Sorry if this post makes me sound like a Negative Nancy...
Well... as most everyone knows by now I was not accepted into A&M. Therefore I will be living in Austin again after the summer.
During the summer I'm intending on taking the last 3 classes I need to get my associate's degree. However, this is proving to be a bit problematic.
You see... we were supposed to be able to register at midnight this morning. As you'll see in a moment... that was almost enough frustration to get me to crack.
From midnight up until about 3 in the a.m. I was attempting to register. The problem was/is... so is everyone else. Therefore, the server was overloaded... and still is.
This little bit of frustration... compacted with all the other various things on my mind almost had me in tears. However, I'm not going to get into all of that... because... well... I don't want to talk about it.
Another problem is... there's many things I
need to talk about... but the people I try to talk to about these issues are not supportive of me at all. It's extremely difficult to feel the need to talk about something and having almost no one willing to listen. Right now... the things my friends are telling me is not helpful. I don't mean that they're telling me things I don't want to hear... because that's definitely not the case. What they're telling me are things that are not beneficial to me in the least. Actually... I wish a lot of the people I talk to about these things would just be quiet and let me talk rather than tell me I'm an idiot and things of the like. And again... I'm not going into that any further.
Sorry if this post sounds like I'm in a bad mood... that's not the case. I'm freaking tired. I haven't slept yet. As soon as I find out if I'm able to register or not I'm going to take a nap. My next class starts in a little over two hours... so I'm going to sleep in the hallway again. Once I get home... I'll probably go back to sleep... although I really shouldn't. I've got so much school work to do... but... I'm so tired that I think my brain is beginning to turn to mush. So... I can't really work with a shut-down brain.
I wish life had a pause button. That way I could just hit pause... sleep... figure out all the things I need to figure out... then resume life. That would be awesome... however... there is no pause button on life... so there's really no need to think on such things.
For anyone who reads this... I would like to ask you to pray that God will give me peace so I can think properly. Also that God will give me wisdom in the decisions I'm going to be making in the near future. And that God will send someone with whom I can talk to about these things I want to get off my chest who won't be condescending and who will actually give me good advice. (I don't mean to say that those of you who have given me advice have been doing a bad job... it's just I haven't talked to 99.9% of ya'll about some of these things. )
I hate to admit this... but I'm actually a bit freaked out about some of these decisions. I had this great and wonderful plan as to what I was going to be doing for the next few years of my life. However... God has a much better plan and is now showing me that my plan isn't going to be working the way I was intending it to.
The reason I'm freaked is because I had built a comfortable bubble and that bubble has just been popped. There's so many new ideas and possibilities that have all presented themselves all at the same time. I have no idea how to deal with a lot of these... and to be honest... a lot of these are a bit scary. In a way I'd like to go back to my bubble... but... that's not an option... nor do I really want to go back to the bubble. I've been sitting there for much to long and it's about time I get out.
Ok... now class starts in exaclty 2 hours. Must... get... sleep.
But not yet. I'm still waiting to find out if this is going to let me register or not.
Plus... I'm sure there's still more I want to say.
Problem is... I'm just rambling because I don't know exactly what I want to say. I know I want to say stuff... I just either don't know what or don't know how to do so.
Way off topic here... after submitting messages on Myspace... I'm getting really tired of those stupid ads with the girls in their slut-suits... oops... typo. I mean "bathing suits".
Anyways... it looks like I'm going to be able to register soon. I've gotten further on the process that I have all night. I'm actually able to search for classes now. Thankfully I've only got to find 2 for this first summer session.
I really wish my sister was in town. I miss her. I could really go for another all night conversation with her. Poor girl... back in high school I used to keep her awake all night... and once she'd start to doze off... I'd wake her up so we could continue talking. :) That's ok though... she liked it.
Wednesday's going to be a long day. I have class at 10 in the a.m. Then I'm meeting with my trainer at the gym at 12 in the p.m. Then I have to give a speech at 1:25 in the p.m. Then class at 2:50 in the p.m. Then I'm talking with my pastor around 4 in the p.m. I'm not sure how long that's going to last... hopefully a while. Then I have RUF at 7 in the p.m. Then I've got more homework.
Ok... it looks like the English class I needed for the summer isn't available... at least not during the 1st summer session. I don't know about the 2nd. I'll have to go ask later. As for now... I'm going to have to register for an English class that's much more difficult than the one I wanted to take. *sigh* Such is life.
Oh wait! This
might be good. The technical writing course's professor... I've had him before for another English class and I really liked him. Hopefully he'll be just as good teaching this subject as he was at the other.
Ok... one class is registered for... now we'll try for the next.
Class starts in 1.5 hours.
Ok... this post is getting long. :)
I guess I'll stop typing until I am finished registering... unless something hits me that I must write down.
Ok... I got the math class.
So... summer session 1 is:
Math - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, and every other Friday @ 11:40 in the a.m. until 1:35 in the p.m.
Tech. Writing - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, and every other Friday @ 1:45 in the p.m. until 3:40 in the p.m.
That's a grande total of just under $500! Yay for tuition! (and yes... I know that this is much lower than a 4 year college's tuition)
YAY!!! NAP TIME!!! 1 hour! (hey... it's better than nothing, right?)