Is it just me?

I've seen this sign (or one extremely similar to it) in various cities. I'm not sure if I should even make this post because every time you see the sign I think you'll start thinking about it as I do.
I know that it's asking:
"Are you pregnant? Do you need someone to talk to?"
but every time I see this sign I read it as:
"Are you pregnant? Want help getting that way?"
In other words, I've always looked at it as someone asking you to call in if you want help getting impregnated. I can just imagine some greasy, bald-headed, middle-aged man with thick glasses eagerly awaiting a phone call so he can rush to the young lady's house to give his best efforts of getting her pregnant.
I don't know... is it just me? Or do others of you read it the same way?
I have NEVER thought of that sign in that way until now. Haha, now I'm gonna laugh every time I see it.
No never read it that way before, but that's a good idea and I'll definitely read it that way now!
That never occurred to me at all.
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