
First... she had me lifting weights until my arms felt as if they were going to fall off.
Today... she had me doing stuff on my legs. Once I was finished... I was walking like I had two gimp legs.
But seriously... this is cool. I'm so glad that I'm actually able to start getting back into shape.
My trainer said that if I continue to strengthen the muscles in my legs that she has me working on... I should be able to run again.
So... this is good news.
In other news, I took my last math test (excluding the final) today. I think I got a 104... but I won't be sure until I get the test back on either Tue. or Thur. of next week.
Near the end of the test, someone asked if he was going to give a curve. He said he'd see how everyone did. I really hope I didn't just destroy the curve for everyone... that would be bad.
I know I got the bonus question correct... because I asked the professor about it as I turned it in.
So... if I got the rest of the right... I'll have a 104. That would be cool... because it would take my 94 and bump it up to a 98.
Anyways... I've got to go eat something. And I've got to start keeping track of what I eat and when I eat it... otherwise my trainer's going to get mad at me again. :) (Ok... so she wasn't really mad at me.)
I'm not turning into a health freak. :'(
That hurts my feelings. :'(
I'ma go cry. :'(
But first I'ma go eat some celery... drink some soy milk... and then eat some tofu.
If I ever see you eating celery and tofu, I might really have to beat you down! Although if you keep up this workout routine, that might get more difficult....
No one will be able to stop me once I become Veggie Man! I'll have celery skills... and potato skills... and carrot skills... and all other sorts of veggie skills.
With those skills combined... I'll be unstopable!
Muahahahaha *evil laugh*
Quick, Fruit Boy! To the Veggimobile! We have to go fight the Junky Brothers (Sugar Sam & Fat McGee)again!
Jess, you crack me up. :)
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