Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Yeah... so...

Hello to everyone who may happen to randomly check this in the next few days. I'm debating whether or not I should attempt to revive this blog... or if I should just make a new one and start over.

I don't really like the idea of starting over, but since this one seems to have died I'm thinking it would be a good idea.

Let me know what you think.

I'm thinking of actually continuing to blog (whether on this current one or on a new one) because I have time between classes to make posts.

I let this one die for a few reasons.
1) I became a WoW addict and have spent way too much time on that.
2) I became tired of coming up with new things to say
3) I kind of went into a "blah" type of mood for a while and didn't feel like writing about the various things taking place in my life
4) I felt as if my life became very boring and didn't think anyone would want to read anything about what was going on.

I think I'm now ready to start anew. A lot has happened in the past few months. Some of which I am not going to blog about (although I would really like to) because of who may accidentally run across this page. (You never know who's going to Google your name.)

One thing that I will mention is that I have been working at a BBQ joint. That has been an experience. I started at the beginning of summer and my last day will be the 12th of this month. That's about all the detail I'm going to go into on that in public.

Ok, so I'll stop rambling now. I would like to assure everyone (or anyone who might actually still check here) that my future posts will not be as boring and non-descriptive as what I just wrote above.

Hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to writing again.

More to come...


Blogger Wanda Harbison said...

We still check your blog!

Just keep this one and redo it. It'll be like a new blog.

02 September, 2008 19:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She only checks to find reasons to not invite you to her birthday party. Oh, and I just heard her fart in the shower. HAHAHA!

02 September, 2008 20:10  
Blogger John Roberson said...

Sure took long enough!!

18 September, 2008 19:39  

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