That Time of Year

As you all know, I'm a huge fan of sports, so going to any game, especially one of this importance is number one on my priority list.
Ok, so I'm being a bit of a smartass. I hate sports, and I will be doing anything else other than going to this game.
Anyways, the point of this post isn't to declare my loathing of sports, but rather a response to an email I received from the school.
In the email, I was informed that the voting ballot for Homecoming King and Queen will be open from X date to Y date.
What I don't understand is, how am I supposed to vote for these people? I don't know any of them. I've never even met any of them. Furthermore, I highly doubt that I have even crossed paths with them on my way to my next class. So, if I don't have a clue who these people are, nor know anything about them, how am I supposed to cast a vote?
Now, as far as the females are concerned, I could just cast my vote according to who I find the most attractive, but then that goes against all of my views on matters such as these. I would rather vote for a hideous beast who actually deserved such a title rather than vote for the super hot daddy's girl who would only get an unnecessary ego boost from such an honor. But, this brings me back to the point that I don't know who is deserving of such an award and who isn't. Maybe the hottie is actually the best gal for the job. Who knows?
And to take this a bit further...
This is the same type of situation I'm in during the time of electing the next student body government. Last year I was bombarded with people in the quad asking for my vote. To each of them I simply said "I don't know any of the candidates nor do I know anything about them, so I don't feel as if I'm in any position to cast a vote." None of them were pleased or amused.
So, in conclusion, how exactly are any of the students expected to vote on things such as these? Now, I understand that Homecoming King / Queen or Student Body President isn't even close to the importance of voting for the next president of our country, but let me make a comparison anyways.
Imagine if the media said "Here's a list of presidential candidates. Voting opens on X day and closes on Y day. Be sure to go out and cast your vote." There's no mention of a place to view anything about any of the candidates. No way of knowing anything about their views, beliefs, ideas, etc. How, then, could we vote responsibly?
So, my opinion on this matter is that the school needs to offer at least some personal information on candidates that they want us to vote for... whether they be for homecoming or student government.
All that silliness is a joke anyway. I was class treasurer at GHCS. You know that meant? Apart from taking the money from break and fund raisers to the office, nothing. I've yet to figure out what a student government actually does. It's not like it's a representative government because, what'd be the point? I've always thought they were dumb...ever since I lost against Leah Culpepper in 5th grade for class president. Ah, wait, that's right I suddenly remembered. Student governments are popularity contests. Just took a little reminiscence remind me. :)
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