I Hate Drugs...

Why did I take the Vicodin? Why don't drugs work on my like they're supposed to?
My body was in much pain throughout most of the day... so several hours ago I thought I'd take 1 1/2 of my Extra Strength Vicodins to ease the pain of my muscles/joints.
However, when I took these, I wasn't thinking about what these pills do to me.
Yes, they took away a little bit of the pain... I mean... I'm actually able to move my arms a lot better than I could before hand... but a lot of the pain is still here.
Furthermore, these pills do not allow me to sleep.
Oh yeah... and someone's been steeling my pills. I had about 10 left the last time I went to take one. Then I looked in the bottle again to see how many I had left... which was about 7... then tonight when I opened the bottle, I had 5 left. And I know I haven't taken any of these in a while. I have an idea of who took them... but I'm not 100% sure. I'm going to confront him about it tomorrow.
I'm extremely tired... but I am unable to fall asleep.
It is now 4:45 in the a.m. Which means that once I do fall asleep, I will not be able to wake up in time for church. And if I do wake up, I will not be able to stay awake throughout the service... which means either way I'm going to miss the service tomorrow. This upsets me... I hate missing church.
Also, this means that I will most likely sleep away most of my day... which is not good. I really need to spend most of the day tomorrow finishing up my research paper. It's due Monday.
I will be so thankful once this semester is over.
On that note... I've been thinking a lot about moving back to Austin. Each day that passes I'm more and more ready to move back home. For many reasons.
I'm definitely looking forward to taking a short break from school. Furthermore, I'm looking forward to taking a break from College Station. Many things have changed over the past years here... and I'm not really liking most of the changes. I love my friends here... and I'm going to be a bit sad about leaving them... but... I don't know. There's a mixture of things that are drawing me away from here.
I have a feeling that God is working a lot in my life right now. I mean... He's always working in my life... but I feel like there's a whole ton of new lessons on their way. This excites me... but frightens me at the same time. Most of the lessons I've learned have come at a pretty high price, and I'm not so sure I'm ready to learn any more lessons at the moment. Then again... I'm totally wrong on that. If God's teaching me... or about to start teaching me something... then I am ready. Otherwise He would not have me learn anything until I was/am ready.
Ahh! I wish I was better at expressing what's going on in my head. Sometimes I do a decent job of doing so... other times... I can't seem to get out what's going on up there. And I think this is one of those times. I'm not so sure any of this post is making any sense.
Anyways, I'm going to try to make myself tired... well... tired enough to actually go to sleep.
Hmm... so the pill thief didn't turn out to be who I thought it was.
They make you loopy!?!? :)
I know what I'm bringing to Austin on my next visit. :)
The reason I was in so much pain is because I worked out muscles that I don't think I'd ever worked out. Plus I spent the past few days with very little sleep... and I still helped Mike with some stuff that just irritated my muscles even more.
Plus I was standing in some pretty awkward positions... which didn't exactly make my knees too happy with me.
But I'm ok now. :)
Actually, Luke, I'll have my associate's degree by the end of the summer... so long as I can take my last math course over the 2nd summer session.
And Jess, I won't turn into some health freak. :) A health nut maybe... but not a health freak. :)
But seriously... I won't. :) I enjoy good food too much. :)
Christopher Glenn Harbison!
I'm going to tell mom... and she'll make you make more ice cream for Jess.
So there.
Oh... and I'm sure she'll ground you too.
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