Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Monday, October 20, 2008


If you watch tv at all you have probably seen this commercial. If not, now's your chance.

Anyways, the point of this post isn't to point out how annoying (and overplayed) it is... but rather two things that are said in the commercial and the thoughts that go through my head every time I see it.

Before I make these comments, first let me clarify that they may be made with the cynicism I have towards relationships. (Especially those with superficial and materialistic women.)

So here goes.

Around 16 seconds an old lady says "I had no idea my gold jewelry was worth so much money."

Really? No idea that gold costs a lot? Well maybe now you won't pitch a fit and put your husband in the "dog house" next time he doesn't spend a fortune when buying you a present. Not only is gold expensive, but so are the gems that you ladies like so much.

With that being said... next time your husband decides to spend thousands of dollars on his bills rather than on buying a pretty little trinket for your finger (or neck) be happy that he's paid the bills so you can have a place to live and food to eat.

The second thing in the commercial I'd like to talk about...

Around 35 seconds a lady says "I sent in my diamond wedding band from my first marriage and got more money than I could have ever imagined."

Yeah, that means your ex spent three months salary on a gift to show his love for you and you decided to leave him because times got hard. Instead of trying to actually work through your problems you decided to take the easy way out. Too bad your ex didn't buy a fake gold and zirconium ring for you instead.

And before I receive hate-comments about this... yes, I realize that not all women are evil and that there are many reasons people divorce. I just wanted to point out the thoughts I have every time I see this ridiculous commercial.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're reading a little too much into that commercial. :)

What if the husband was a jackass who beat her and she left him? Lawd you crazy!

22 October, 2008 05:59  

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