Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I was thinking...

Last night I watch Runaway Jury again. (By the way, Rachel Weisz is a hottie.) Anyways, I like this movie. The only problem I had with the film was that they made the gun company and their lawyers out to be the evil people while the families of gun violence out to be the innocent, perfectly moral people.

I understand that in the movie the woman was suing the gun company because they made it too easy for anyone on the street to get a hold of one of their semi-automatic assault weapons. I have no problem with making a gun company keep from giving criminals assault weapons.

The problem I have is when people want to sue all gun companies for the gun violence that our country has. It's not the gun companies' fault that Crazy Joe Postman went into his Post Office and slaughtered his fellow employees because he was tired of not getting a piece of cake at the office parties. It's not K-mart's fault that the bullets used came from their store. The only person that should be held responsible is the person pulling the trigger.

I mean... if you were to put a fully loaded gun on a stool... sit there and watch it... it would never shoot any one. Put that same gun in the hands of someone who's going to use the gun properly and there won't be any accidents. Now, put the gun in the hand of someone who wants to kill and he'll kill. The gun isn't responsible. The gun company isn't responsible. The person pulling the trigger is the only one responsible.

Furthermore, if we can sue a gun company for accidental deaths caused by their products... are we going to go sue swimming pool companies for the accidental drownings? I wish I could find the statistics, but I remember reading somewhere that a swimming pool is 14 times more likely to kill a child than a vehicle is. I also read that swimming pools take more lives each year than guns do. So... why pick and choose who's responsible when, in fact, each person should be responsible for themselves (or their children)?

When a drunk driver hits and kills someone on the road, we don't blame the alcohol... we don't blame the car dealership that sold the drunk his car... we don't blame the car company for making the car... and we don't sue the banks for making it so easy for just anyone to get a hold of a car... so why should we hold the gun companies responsible when someone uses their product in an incorrect manor?

This also relates to the lawsuits against McDonalds... McDonalds isn't responsible for your child being a fat ass. You, the parent, is responsible. How does that child get to McDonalds every day? It's not like McDonalds drives around kidnapping kids and force-feeding them their hamburgers. No... you... the parent... drags your kid there each day and allows him to shovel the hamburgers and fries in his mouth.

Smokers... if you get cancer... it's not the tobacco company's fault. You know that smoking isn't exactly pumping your body full of vitamins. Everyone (even kindergarteners) knows that smoking can be harmful and that it can cause cancer. If you choose to use the product anyways... it's your own fault if you develop cancer. It's not like you weren't warned.

And all of this rant boils down to taking responsibility for your actions. If you do "X" knowing that "Y" is going to be the result of "X"'s action... then you are the only one to blame. You are the one that needs to man up and say "This is my fault."

America's mentality of "Nothing's my fault, everything is the big corporation's fault" drives me insane.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Effing Christmas

Ho... ho... ho.

Bring the heat back!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's Funny Because It's True

Saturday, December 09, 2006



I was going to make a post about a commercial I saw today. It was a commercial where a woman was looking for her missing shoe while her husband stands in the bathroom. The husband is an older man, wearing his underwear and white undershirt (which was tight enough to compliment his beer gut).

The woman finally decides to look under the bed for her shoe… and what does she find along with her missing shoe? A diamond necklace (or maybe it was a bracelet… I don’t remember for sure which one). The moment she opens the jewelry box she envisions her husband as a sexy, muscle-bound stud.

See… I was going to make a post about how women will see their husbands as attractive only after he spends 3 months pay on her.


I cannot make the full, lengthy post that I was going to because I was sidetracked.

By what, you ask?

Well… I was distracted by…

The Armor of God PJ’s.

Yes… you heard me correctly. The Armor of God PJ’s. For parents who want the entire school to mock their child for the rest of his/her days.

But that’s not all… soon, they’ll have the Armor of God PJ Dolls.

You know… the second this website loaded… I had to suppress the biggest laugh ever as to not wake up my parents. These are just horrid.

The website says:
“The whole Armor of God Pajama set will help your children to depend on God to protect them from their fears, doubts, and uncertainties at night so their sleep can be restful and peaceful.”

I wonder how, exactly, will a pair of PJ’s help children depend on God. Are they magical PJ’s?

Let’s just hope that the parents who would torture their poor children by making them wear this will never see that website.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Your Appearance

Tonight my grandma made a comment about how she wants to take tweezers to my facial hair. It wasn’t a shock; she makes a comment on facial hair just about anytime she sees it on anyone’s face. However, it gave me the idea to write a blog post on the issue of appearances.

The way you dress is extremely important. After all, the way you dress shows the world who you are. It allows the world to know what kind of person you are, how kind or rude you are, how intelligent you are as well as your religious beliefs. In fact, your clothes are so important that one look at your clothing and the world will have a detailed knowledge of your life philosophy.

Ok… now’s the time to raise the flag:

First off, don’t get me wrong... at work you should wear the clothes that meet your work’s dress code. And, when you go in for an interview you should dress to impress. (I don’t fully agree with that… but it’s what you must do if you want the job) I’m not arguing that there aren’t times in which one would need to wear nice clothing. My argument is based on day-to-day life… away from work… on your free time.

Seeing as how the clothes I like aren’t considered “normal” by most people… I have the privilege of listening to unwanted comments about my attire quite often. What I don’t understand is “why?” What difference does it make if I like to wear black shirts? What difference does it make that I always wear jeans? What difference does it make that I like “weird” clothes? What difference does it make if I wear boots all the time rather than tennis shoes, dress shoes, flip-flops, or sandals? Is it really that big of a deal that I like the clothes I like? Does my attire really alter who I am as a person? Does a new personality come with a new style?

And the really funny thing about all of this is… 99% of the comments made about my choice in clothing have been by females. This brings me to another issue I have about this topic:

If a man were to make these same kinds of comments about the way a woman looks… he’d be in the dog-house for the rest of his life. Seriously… imagine with me, if you will…
The husband is waiting downstairs for his wife to finish getting ready so they can have a night out on the town. The wife comes down the stairs… but doesn’t ask “how do I look” because before she gets a chance to ask… the husband blurts out with “You’re not going out in that are you?”

Yeah… I’m sure that would go over really well.

Or… imagine… the man continuously telling his wife that she needs to change her style. “Sweetie, you know, you should wear more makeup.” Or “Sweetie, you need to stop wearing that necklace. You always wear that necklace… you need to go get some new jewelry.”

Oh yeah… I can see the onslaught of marital problems arising just from the thought of some guy doing this.

So my question is… why do women act as if it’s ok to constantly tell their husbands/boyfriends/dads/brothers/male-friends how they should dress? Why can’t women just do like guys do… and if you don’t like the way someone looks in certain clothing… just keep it to yourself? Just about every guy has learned (from observing their parents or dealing with this situation in their own relationships) that when a woman asks “What do you think about this?” that the correct answer is “You look amazing” even if he doesn’t particularly like the way the outfit looks.

There’s a problem with that. Why do guys have to lie to women about their looks (and remember… she’s asking for his opinion)… but women can just blurt out their dislike about the way a man looks whenever she wants? (and remember… usually the guy hasn’t asked for any sort of an opinion)

Ladies… if you feel the need (for whatever unknown reason) to give your honest (and often times unasked for) opinion about the way someone looks… then others should be able to give you their opinion of the way you look without you getting upset.

I just don’t understand what the need is to tell someone you don’t like something that they’re wearing. I mean… no one’s forcing you to wear it. In fact, the person wearing it is most likely wearing it because they like it. And if you can’t stand to look at whatever the article of clothing is… then stop talking with the person.

(Oh wait, you can’t do that… because then you’d look shallow… so instead you’ll just nag them to fix “the problem.”… even though it’s you that has the problem.)

I could go on and on about this topic… but I’ll spare my readers by just stopping here.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I hate Fry's Electronics

The fan in the power supply for my computer has been making some weird noises lately. I remember that last time my fan started making noises it ended up dying... but I continued to use the computer anyways. Needless to say, the computer overheated and I lost everything on my computer.

Therefore, this time I decided that I would go ahead and replace the power supply before the fan could crap out on me. So... unfortunately... I went to Fry's.

I go in, get the power supply, go back home, take out the old power supply, put in the new power supply, hit the "power" button, then..........

Absolutely nothing.

I look in the back and make sure that I turned on the power button in the back... and I had flipped it on.
I look back on the inside of my computer... everything was hooked up where it was supposed to go.
Then came to the conclusion that, once again, Fry's has sold me a piece of crap that doesn't work.

It is not possible to go to Fry's and make a purchase, go home, put everything together, and be done. No... you have to make your purchase, figure out which item is broken, return it, get a new one, go back home and put everything back together, realize that another part is broken, return it, replace it, come back home and put everything back together, then realize that one final item is broken... but this time, when you go to return it, the store's closed.

I hate Fry's.

Me, my brother, and Luke have returned several items that we purchased from Fry's. Off the top of my head I remember:
- A motherboard or three
- A computer case
- A power supply or two
- A processor or five
as well as many other things that I can't think of this instant.

You would think that I would've learned my lesson by now and stopped shopping there.

Oh... so I drove over to Best Buy afterwards... found a power supply... bought it... came home and installed it... hit the "power" button... and everything worked just fine.

So once again I'll say:
I hate Fry's.