Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm Almost Done!

I took my math final. And guess what? I was 20 minutes late to my Tech Writing final because of that.

I don't know what is wrong with that professor... but I'm glad to know that I'll never have to take her again. She acts as if her class is the only class anyone takes during the summer. I'm sorry... but some of us are taking two classes... and we don't have time to put up with your crap.

During the final... she decides to have a conversation with me about how I need to bring her my tests back. I'm kind of confused... why does she need them? She's already recorded the grade. I inform her that the tests are at my house. She then tells me that I'll need to bring them to her after class. I then inform her that I am taking another final as soon as I'm done with hers. She then says that I'll need to slide them under the door of her office after I'm finished with my next final.

So... now that I've wasted 5 minutes talking to her about this... I have now lost 5 minutes in which I could have been... oh... that's right... taking my final.

Once I finsih and turn in my test, she asks me if I'll be taking classes during the next summer session. I confirmed that I was. She then says to just bring the tests back to her once the next session starts.

In the famous words of Luke "..."

Umm... once my grade is in the computers... I'm not going to come bring you my old tests.

Anyways... my Tech Writing final went... well? I'm not sure how it went. It didn't seem very difficult... which makes me wonder if I royally screwed it up. ;)

Now I'm waiting for everyone else to finish so I can give my oral presentation. I have done absolutely nothing to prepare for that... so... I'm going to just draw on the board as I talk. I mean... it's about welding basics... I think I'll do alright. :)

Anyways... I should get back up to the class room. I think the speeches are about to start soon.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

No Title

It was made evident to me tonight that God wants me to be alive.

On my way back to College Station I noticed that there was a wreck about 5 cars in front of me. Traffic came to a complete stop for a little over half an hour...

But... this was an accident like I've never seen before. There was about 20 police car/ambulances. I wasn't able to see the wreck at this point... but I figured it had to be bad for there to be that many flashing lights.

Of course, half of the people in the traffic had to get out of their cars and walk up to the accident to see what happened. (I never understood why people do this... just stay in your car and let the medics do their job. I promise... they don't need your help.)

Traffic began to move again... then I passed by the car(s?)
This wreck took place about 100 yards from where I had been stopped in traffic.
The car... it was bad. The only way the people in the car survived was if God hand his hands surrounding them during the crash.

The car (or it could've been cars) was in such bad shape that I could barely tell it was a car. Had it not been for the wheels/tires it would've just looked like a brick of scrap metal.

I then realized that had I left my house 30 - 60 seconds before I did... that could have been me. That could have been my loved ones who received a call informing them that I died.

So... God has a reason for me to be alive. I'm not sure what that reason is but I'm thankful that He's given me yet another day to live on this earth.

I pray for the people and the families of the people involved in the crash.

Must get back to homework...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

All Mixed Up

Well... what to say?

I guess I should first mention that I have cleaned my room. I decided to do so after opening my fridge and smelling one of the worst smells I have ever experienced.

So... I cleaned my room so I would be able to open my fridge all the way.

What did I find in the fridge? Umm... some milk that expired over a month ago... some extremely old spinach that had turned to mush... some old yogurt that expired over a month ago... some month old sandwich meat... some food I brought home from some resteraunt who knows how long ago... and a bag of celery in the bottom tray of the fridge.

You know what I learned through all this?
If you leave celery in the fridge for a really long time... it leaves a pool of brownish-green liquid underneath it.

Yeah... it smelled awful! :)

So I now have a clean room... and a clean fridge. :)

Well... a more-clean room. ;)

School is driving me insane. As of right now I have a 78 in my math class. This is due to not completing all of the homework (mainly because the assignments are so confusing that I don't know what's due and when it's due... so I miss things)... and I made a 67 on my second test. But... I made a 94 on the first test and a 96 on the third test. I don't know what happened on the 2nd test...

Tech writing isn't too bad. However, it's got me a bit discouraged at the moment. One of our assignments is to find a job listing that we qualify for... then write our resume for the job. So why is this discouraging? Well... because I realized how little I am qualified to do. I mean... I've got 3 years of welding experience... but that was over 4 years ago... and a welding company would much prefer someone with a little more current experience. Other than that... I've got nothing.
Seriously... I worked at Albertsons for 3 months back when I was 16... then I worked at HEB for a little over two years as a cashier/bagger... then I've got my Marine Corps experience... a job with Home Depot as a cashier that lasted for 2 months... then a catering job that lasted for about 5 months... then a job at Home Depot for another 4 or 5 months... and finally... a temp. job pulling files off a shelf.
Oh yeah... I can see a business jumping at the opportunity to hire someone of my expertise.

Sorry... I'm a bit cynical at the moment. I really want to find a job as soon as I get home that pays well and has good benefits... but I'm not qualified for anything other than a stupid cashiering job.

Seriously... I've searched the city of Austin's job site... and various other job search sites. What have I found that I'm qualified to do? Absolutely nothing.

And it's not that I'm incapable of keeping a job... and I hate job-hopping... I do have valid reasons for why I've had so many jobs for such a short period of time. My parents wanted me to quit the job at Albertsons because the management sucked... then I had to quit at HEB because I left for boot camp... then I was discharged from the Marines because I screwed my knees/body up... then I quit the job at Home Depot because I moved to College Station... then I quit the catering job because I continued to get scheduled for 60-80 hours a week (as a part-time employee) and I couldn't do that and go to school... then I quit at Home Depot because I moved back to Austin... and the temp. job... well... it was a temp. job.

I really just want to scream. I need to take some time and go out to my thinking spot one night soon. That always helps. I'll see if I can do that at some point this weekend. (but I'll have to remember the insect repellant)

I don't know...

I'm trying not to let this get me down because I know that God will give me a job when it's time for me to have a job.

Furthermore... I just want to go home. I'm sick of school. I'm sick of being away from home. I know I've only got about 6 or 7 weeks left here... but I really just don't want to be here.

And this reminds me... the psychology degree is pretty much out of the question now. I've been doing a lot of thinking on it... and I don't think it's something I should persue. Mainly because a psychology degree isn't all that great without a master's or PhD... and I really don't want to take another 4-6 years of school. I'm tired of school. I've only got about 2 years left before I'll have my Bachelor's Degree... and after that... I don't want to go back to school.

However... now I have no idea what I want to major in. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out a degree that would land me a job that I'd be extremely happy in... and I can't really think of anything. Well... I've had a few passing thoughts... but... I just don't know. I need summer school to hurry and end so I can think straight again.

So yeah... I've got a mixture of emotions right now... and I'm ready for them to stabilize.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Have you seen my mind? I think I've lost it...

There are many reasons why I want this summer session to be over with.

One of those reasons is because I can't stand my math class.

I made a 67 on my last test. This is the first time since I started taking math classes in college that I made anything less than a 90. I'm not so much upset with the grade as I am with why I got the 67.

Our professor is supposed to talk for the first 30 minutes of class... then she's supposed to give us the last 1 1/2 hours to take the test. Well... she decided to talk for 45 minutes which means we had 15 less minutes to work. I needed those 15 minutes... because I'm usually the last one to finish my tests, but I also usually work right up until the class is over. So... I had to rush through the last 5 problems.

Also... my professor doesn't give partial credit on the answers. I've never heard of a math professor not giving partial credit. When looking over the test I noticed that my answers would have been correct had I not made a simple mistake near the end of the problem.

Furthermore, she assigns 4 (+) hours of homework a night. I understand that homework is a part of college... but 4 hours worth each night? I sit in a classes for four hours each day... by the time I get back to the house... the last thing I want to do is look at a math book for the next four hours... then look at an English text book (or write papers) for the following hour or two.

I don't know... I feel like this is pointless complaining... because... well... it's college... and working on school work is a part of it.

It's just that I wish there were more hours in the day... or that there wasn't so much that I had to do each day. I'm afraid that if this summer session doesn't hurry up and end that my brain is seriuosly going to explode.

Furthermore, I don't want to be here. I want to go home. I'm sick of school and definitely ready for a break. It's funny how God works sometimes. :) I didn't get accepted into A&M... and I think one reason for that is because... well... I really need a break from school.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to do once I move back home. I'm really hoping to find a welding job or a job with the post office. However, I've been looking on the USPS website and there aren't any jobs currently available... and I've been watching the city of Austin's job opportunity pages and I haven't seen any job openings that I qualify for.

I'm trying not to worry about it... because I know that God will give me a job when He's ready for me to have one. I find it odd that I know God's in control yet I still worry about the future at times.

I should cut this post short... I've still got about 2 hours of math left... and I have a paper due tomorrow. Then tomorrow I have 4 (+) hours of math... and another paper to write that is due the following day. (Why did I sign up for 2 classes this summer session? Oh yeah... I had to if I wanted my AA degree by the end of the summer.)

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Wow... it's been forever since my blog has been updated.

However, there is a reason for that. :)

I'm super happy right now... but I'll get to that later. :) :) :)

I have been extremely busy ever since the spring semester ended. I went to Florida, then was in Austin for a few days, then I went to Wichita Falls... then I had to go back to College Station to start summer school. Joy.

Speaking of summer school... it sucks. I've taken summer school before... and it wasn't exactly what I'd call fun... but they were classes that only made sense to take in the summer. I took both of my History classes and a government class. These go really well in the summer because it's easy to see the progression of things when presented extremely quickly.

However, this summer session is not like that at all. See... to have my associate's degree by the end of the summer, I've got to complete three classes. Two of those classes I'm taking this summer session. And they are not classes that should be taken over the summer. The first class is Intermediate Algebra.

I used to hate math, but since I started back at the very beginning... and I now understand why and how the formulas work... it's actually much more enjoyable. But... since this is a 5 week course... it sucks. I pick up on the information quickly... but it's just really frustrating trying to figure out what I'm doing at this super fast rate. My professor isn't really a big help either... but I won't go into that. :)

The other class I'm taking this semester is a Technical Writing class. This one isn't so bad to take over the summer... it's just a lot of writing with very little time to plan out what needs to go in the paper. However, I do like this English class much more than any other English class I've taken in college (Freshman and Sophomore English and Children's Lit)... mainly because it's straight to the point. There's not analyzing what the author might have been implying in his/her writings. It's awesome. All you have to do is say as much as possible with the fewest words possible.

In other news... that's still related to college... our VA rep was either fired, or she quit. Either way... Blinn does not have a VA rep at the moment. The reason this isn't good is because the VA rep is the one who handles the GI Bill information. So... I filled out the paper work for this semester... and I gave it to the financial aide office to submit. This was two weeks ago. Usually... it only takes a week for me to receive my check... and I have yet to receive any of my money for the summer. So... I need to check with the office on Monday and see why I haven't gotten paid.

Ok... so the reason I'm super happy...
I'm no longer single!!! :)

As most of my readers know, I've been communicating with Jess' dad ever since the week after Spring Break. After three months of communication, Jess' dad gave the two of us permission to start dating today. :)

I talked with him yesterday and he told me the good news, and then today he talked to both Jess and I. Jess was cooking dinner (which was super amazing, by the way) while I was talking with her dad. We finished talking just about the time dinner was ready. Oh! AND Jess baked an apple pie for dessert! I love apple pie... and hers was freaking amazing. :) Did I mention that dinner was really good? After dinner we played a game... it was fun. :) I lost... but it was fun anyways. :)

Then today I went with Mr. Linnemeyer, Donny and Gary to a lady's house to work on some sheet rock, some electrical stuff, and then some more sheet rock stuff. It was fun. I wasn't really that big of a help... well... mainly because I've never done that stuff before and didn't have a clue what I was doing. So I pretty much stood around making fun of Donny, Jess' dad, Gary, and my brother. (Yes Christopher... we make fun of you behind your back. Mainly because it's so easy to do. ;) ) Well... I didn't just stand around making fun of people... I also handed Jess' dad tools while he worked on the electrical stuff.

Then I went back to Jess' house where I lost 1/2 of my masculinity. You see... the bathroom that Jess decorated... well... I think only women can use the bathroom comfortably. :)
Now... I didn't say the decorations are bad... it's just that... well... it's definitely a girl's bathroom. ;)

Once I showered and changed, I went out to the kitchen and talked with Jess' mom for a while. Then Jess came home and we left for my parent's house.

We were a little late because Jess didn't pick up the movie like she said she was going to... so we had to stop by Blockbuster. Well... ok... she didn't really say anything about picking up a movie. I made that part up.

So we ate dinner with my parents, then we watched The Ringer which was really funny. After the movie Jess went to go to her friend's graduation celebration thingy.

And now... I'm updating my blog... and I'm about to do a myspace survey or two... then I'm going to bed.

By the way... I'm super happy!!!