Have you seen my mind? I think I've lost it...

There are many reasons why I want this summer session to be over with.
One of those reasons is because I can't stand my math class.
I made a 67 on my last test. This is the first time since I started taking math classes in college that I made anything less than a 90. I'm not so much upset with the grade as I am with why I got the 67.
Our professor is supposed to talk for the first 30 minutes of class... then she's supposed to give us the last 1 1/2 hours to take the test. Well... she decided to talk for 45 minutes which means we had 15 less minutes to work. I needed those 15 minutes... because I'm usually the last one to finish my tests, but I also usually work right up until the class is over. So... I had to rush through the last 5 problems.
Also... my professor doesn't give partial credit on the answers. I've never heard of a math professor not giving partial credit. When looking over the test I noticed that my answers would have been correct had I not made a simple mistake near the end of the problem.
Furthermore, she assigns 4 (+) hours of homework a night. I understand that homework is a part of college... but 4 hours worth each night? I sit in a classes for four hours each day... by the time I get back to the house... the last thing I want to do is look at a math book for the next four hours... then look at an English text book (or write papers) for the following hour or two.
I don't know... I feel like this is pointless complaining... because... well... it's college... and working on school work is a part of it.
It's just that I wish there were more hours in the day... or that there wasn't so much that I had to do each day. I'm afraid that if this summer session doesn't hurry up and end that my brain is seriuosly going to explode.
Furthermore, I don't want to be here. I want to go home. I'm sick of school and definitely ready for a break. It's funny how God works sometimes. :) I didn't get accepted into A&M... and I think one reason for that is because... well... I really need a break from school.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to do once I move back home. I'm really hoping to find a welding job or a job with the post office. However, I've been looking on the USPS website and there aren't any jobs currently available... and I've been watching the city of Austin's job opportunity pages and I haven't seen any job openings that I qualify for.
I'm trying not to worry about it... because I know that God will give me a job when He's ready for me to have one. I find it odd that I know God's in control yet I still worry about the future at times.
I should cut this post short... I've still got about 2 hours of math left... and I have a paper due tomorrow. Then tomorrow I have 4 (+) hours of math... and another paper to write that is due the following day. (Why did I sign up for 2 classes this summer session? Oh yeah... I had to if I wanted my AA degree by the end of the summer.)
Craigslist is a great place to look for jobs. Not sure if you've already checked there.
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