Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm Almost Done!

I took my math final. And guess what? I was 20 minutes late to my Tech Writing final because of that.

I don't know what is wrong with that professor... but I'm glad to know that I'll never have to take her again. She acts as if her class is the only class anyone takes during the summer. I'm sorry... but some of us are taking two classes... and we don't have time to put up with your crap.

During the final... she decides to have a conversation with me about how I need to bring her my tests back. I'm kind of confused... why does she need them? She's already recorded the grade. I inform her that the tests are at my house. She then tells me that I'll need to bring them to her after class. I then inform her that I am taking another final as soon as I'm done with hers. She then says that I'll need to slide them under the door of her office after I'm finished with my next final.

So... now that I've wasted 5 minutes talking to her about this... I have now lost 5 minutes in which I could have been... oh... that's right... taking my final.

Once I finsih and turn in my test, she asks me if I'll be taking classes during the next summer session. I confirmed that I was. She then says to just bring the tests back to her once the next session starts.

In the famous words of Luke "..."

Umm... once my grade is in the computers... I'm not going to come bring you my old tests.

Anyways... my Tech Writing final went... well? I'm not sure how it went. It didn't seem very difficult... which makes me wonder if I royally screwed it up. ;)

Now I'm waiting for everyone else to finish so I can give my oral presentation. I have done absolutely nothing to prepare for that... so... I'm going to just draw on the board as I talk. I mean... it's about welding basics... I think I'll do alright. :)

Anyways... I should get back up to the class room. I think the speeches are about to start soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm kind of confused... why does she need them? She's already recorded the grade."

Wagner's a lazy teacher. She reuses her tests verbatim.

Besides that, she's wacko. Does she still fake-bake, wear way too much eye-shadow, and wear a stupid flower in her hair of the tropical variety? Not to mention how she overworks the students while she herself does practically nothing, because she made up the curriculum back in the day...

Oh, wait, that's already been mentioned.

29 June, 2006 17:00  

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