However, there is a reason for that. :)
I'm super happy right now... but I'll get to that later. :) :) :)
I have been extremely busy ever since the spring semester ended. I went to Florida, then was in Austin for a few days, then I went to Wichita Falls... then I had to go back to College Station to start summer school. Joy.
Speaking of summer school... it sucks. I've taken summer school before... and it wasn't exactly what I'd call fun... but they were classes that only made sense to take in the summer. I took both of my History classes and a government class. These go really well in the summer because it's easy to see the progression of things when presented extremely quickly.
However, this summer session is not like that at all. See... to have my associate's degree by the end of the summer, I've got to complete three classes. Two of those classes I'm taking this summer session. And they are not classes that should be taken over the summer. The first class is Intermediate Algebra.
I used to hate math, but since I started back at the very beginning... and I now understand why and how the formulas work... it's actually much more enjoyable. But... since this is a 5 week course... it sucks. I pick up on the information quickly... but it's just really frustrating trying to figure out what I'm doing at this super fast rate. My professor isn't really a big help either... but I won't go into that. :)
The other class I'm taking this semester is a Technical Writing class. This one isn't so bad to take over the summer... it's just a lot of writing with very little time to plan out what needs to go in the paper. However, I do like this English class much more than any other English class I've taken in college (Freshman and Sophomore English and Children's Lit)... mainly because it's straight to the point. There's not analyzing what the author might have been implying in his/her writings. It's awesome. All you have to do is say as much as possible with the fewest words possible.
In other news... that's still related to college... our VA rep was either fired, or she quit. Either way... Blinn does not have a VA rep at the moment. The reason this isn't good is because the VA rep is the one who handles the GI Bill information. So... I filled out the paper work for this semester... and I gave it to the financial aide office to submit. This was two weeks ago. Usually... it only takes a week for me to receive my check... and I have yet to receive any of my money for the summer. So... I need to check with the office on Monday and see why I haven't gotten paid.
Ok... so the reason I'm super happy...
I'm no longer single!!! :)
As most of my readers know, I've been communicating with Jess' dad ever since the week after Spring Break. After three months of communication, Jess' dad gave the two of us permission to start dating today. :)
I talked with him yesterday and he told me the good news, and then today he talked to both Jess and I. Jess was cooking dinner (which was super amazing, by the way) while I was talking with her dad. We finished talking just about the time dinner was ready. Oh! AND Jess baked an apple pie for dessert! I love apple pie... and hers was freaking amazing. :) Did I mention that dinner was really good? After dinner we played a game... it was fun. :) I lost... but it was fun anyways. :)
Then today I went with Mr. Linnemeyer, Donny and Gary to a lady's house to work on some sheet rock, some electrical stuff, and then some more sheet rock stuff. It was fun. I wasn't really that big of a help... well... mainly because I've never done that stuff before and didn't have a clue what I was doing. So I pretty much stood around making fun of Donny, Jess' dad, Gary, and my brother. (Yes Christopher... we make fun of you behind your back. Mainly because it's so easy to do. ;) ) Well... I didn't just stand around making fun of people... I also handed Jess' dad tools while he worked on the electrical stuff.
Then I went back to Jess' house where I lost 1/2 of my masculinity. You see... the bathroom that Jess decorated... well... I think only women can use the bathroom comfortably. :)
Now... I didn't say the decorations are bad... it's just that... well... it's definitely a girl's bathroom. ;)
Once I showered and changed, I went out to the kitchen and talked with Jess' mom for a while. Then Jess came home and we left for my parent's house.
We were a little late because Jess didn't pick up the movie like she said she was going to... so we had to stop by Blockbuster. Well... ok... she didn't really say anything about picking up a movie. I made that part up.
So we ate dinner with my parents, then we watched The Ringer which was really funny. After the movie Jess went to go to her friend's graduation celebration thingy.
And now... I'm updating my blog... and I'm about to do a myspace survey or two... then I'm going to bed.
By the way... I'm super happy!!!
I don't think you should spend any more time talking with my mom...
I don't know you personally, Nathan, but you better take care of my Jess or I'll come beat you up :) Congrats you two :)
Thanks. :)
I plan on taking good care of her. :)
This can only mean one thing—I must be next! (Haha...right.)
So when are you going to bring Jess to CS so I can finally meet her?
We'll hope you're next. :)
I'm not sure...
It probably won't be until I move back to Austin. If she's able to I think she's going to come up there with my parents to help me move.
But... she won't kick my butt if I treat you the way I should... right?
way go man! of course the more of friends who I see falling from singlehood, the more the concept of the movie "Tomcats" looks better and better in hindsight.
Then again, I got a kiss on the cheek from a sweetie in Austin last time I went, but that won't go anywhere.
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