One evening Mr. Tiddlewinks was starting to get a bit tired. His stomach was full after pigging out in the feeder behind Old Mrs. Hagsworth's house. He decided that he should get back to his nest so he could get a good night's sleep so he wouldn't be too tired for tomorrow's adventure of gorging himself and pooping on cars.

On his way back to the nest, Mr. Tiddlewinks realized that it was about to rain. So he pushed himself to go a wee bit faster.
The darkness of both the night and the storm became thicker with each passing moment.
Mr. Tiddlewinks pressed on...
The rain started pouring down upon poor Mr. Tiddlewinks.
Faster and faster he went...
all went black.
A few days later Nathan took his dog, Dübeee, out in the back yard so she could "take care of business." Nathan talked with Dübeee as he so often did. But then something out of the corner of his eyes caught Nathan's attention. He looked up to the balcony. "What is that?" he thought. He then got a closer look...

It was poor Mr. Tiddlewinks lying upon his back.
"I wonder how he died..." Nathan said out loud.
As Nathan surveyed Mr. Tiddlewinks' surroundings he noticed something. Poor Mr. Tiddlewinks' death was caused by...

nothing more than what was once a clean window.
The rain, mixed with the darkness, mixed with Mr. Tiddlewinks' strong desire to get back home... made it impossible for him to see the window.
Once Nathan realized what had happened, he fell over laughing.
He then climbed upon the ladder and snatched up the corpse of poor Mr. Tiddlewinks'.

He then held it up for the world to see...

then cooked him and had a wonderful dinner.
The End