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I can't wait until he dies. This cold is driving me crazy. On the up side, everyone's been home, so the days haven't been boring for me. Although it's quite humorous to watch my dog gingerly walk on the ice-covered grass... I'm ready for God to turn the heater back on. ;)
Since the ice has caused everything to shut down, I haven't been able to apply for this job that I'm really wanting. As soon as the place opens back up, I can drop off the necessary paperwork. Had Blinn got my transcripts to my house sooner, this wouldn't be an issue. Oh well. It'll all work out.

In other news, Svetlana called me last night. It appears that everything is going to work out here. Her dad ended up having a heart attack moments before her first customer... so she never had to go through with the whole becoming a prostitute thing. That's good.
So, we talked for quite some time. It turns out that she still needs that $3000 to come over to the U.S. though. I'm going to do my best to raise enough money to get her over here so we can get married. It'll be cool... there's only 2 Russian people I've ever really talked to. One was a foreign exchange student back in high school. The other was my Geology professor. I just hope she buffs up her English skills. She's still difficult to understand.
But love hath no language. Besides... she doesn't really need to speak much. She can read English just fine and that's all that really matters... because that means she'll be able to read recipes.
I guess that's all for now. If you want to donate some money to the Bring Svetlana to America Fund just shoot me an email. I'll give you all the necessary information and we'll get my bride here ASAP.
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