Seeing as how every real Christian needs a good conversion story, I’ve decided to post mine. I mean… without a good conversion story how would any other Christian know that I am truly a believer?
So here goes:
By the age of 3 I was already smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes and drinking a case and a half of beer every day. Of course, the smoking led to much harder drugs and the drinking turned me into an alcoholic.
On my sixth birthday my dad gave me a pound of weed to share with all my other un-saved friends. In only two days all the weed was smoked up. A few years later I realized that I needed something more.
Age 11 I turned from smoking pot to snorting coke. Well, I still smoked weed on occasion, and of course I continued smoking the cigarettes. The case and a half of beer had now escalated to two and a half cases a day.
Once I turned 14 I needed money to support my drug habit… especially since I had added heroin to my list of drug addictions. So I started stealing random things from random stores and/or random people. You know… cars, babies, kidneys… and sold them on the black market. Except for the babies. I sold them on eBay.
Shortly after turning 16 I joined three different gangs. Everyone loved me because I had no mercy. I would kill anyone or anything that stood in my way. I did what I wanted… when I wanted. (That’s why I no longer have any parents… I shot my birth-parents in their sleep and slit the throats of my next three foster-families)
I received the Harry Potter books for my 18th birthday. After I finished reading the books I decided that I would kill exactly six hundred sixty-six people as a sacrifice to show “You Know Who” that I was truly devoted to him.
By the age of 20 I was not only smoking five packs of cigarettes a day, but I was also smoking 27 joints a day, smoking 5 crack-rocks a day, snorting two handfuls of coke a day, injecting over 500 cc’s of heroin each day AND drinking 6 ½ cases of beer each day.
Then one day a few years ago I walked into the bathroom at the local gas station. On top of the toilet I found a Chick-Tract. After reading the tract I realized something very valuable. I learned that I was on the fast track to… *whispers* “H” “E” “Double-Hokey sticks”!!!
There was only one thing for me to do… I had to… Let go… and… let God.
Once I let go and just let God… my entire life changed. I instantly gave up my murderous, drug and alcohol-filled lifestyle and from that moment on I have always been happy. Everything always magically works out for me. I prayed the Prayer of Jabez and God gave me seven and a half million dollars. (and a Thank You card for “joining the good side”) Of course I had to tithe from this money... so I gave 15% instead of the 10% that weaker "Christians" give.
So… if ever any of you weak “Christians” ever want to question my faith… you can read this conversion story and know that I not only learned to let go and let God… but I also got saved!