Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I read an article about billboards containing images of scantily clad women distracting drivers.

Well... I must say... I'm guilty of this.
I was returning to my house after my brother's wedding. Traffic was stop-and-go (as is usual at this particular area) but I was managing to keep myself from rear-ending the large, white van in front of me. Until I saw the billboard for one of the tanning places. The two ginormous boobs caught my eye... I looked for a moment... then I noticed a large, white object out of the corner of my eye. I looked back at the road and found that I was seconds away from plowing into that large, white van. However, I managed to slam on my breaks just in time.

This makes me wonder... if I would've rear-ended that van... could I have sued the tanning company for distracting me?

Anyways... I'll probably make another post later today... as for now, I'm going to finish reading Alice In Wonderland.


Blogger Megan said...

Interesting thought. I suppose though if you sued the tanning place you could easily blame every other billboard on the road for accidents.

"I'm sorry officer, I rear ended that guy because I couldn't peel my eyes off that picture of a delicious Big Mac!"

30 November, 2005 13:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been distracted by the same billboard on several occasions. They aren't up anymore, though.

I would argue that no, you cannot sue the tanning company for the billboard unless you plan on sueing every female jogging on the side of the road in the evening wearing sport bras and spandex pants.

Then again, we do live in America, land of the greedy and home of the give me's. I guess the sooner we realize that everyone else owes us something and that work's over-rated, the sooner we can all get rich and enjoy someone elses money that they worked hard for but we deserved.

30 November, 2005 14:27  
Blogger Nathan said...

Megan said: "I suppose though if you sued the tanning place you could easily blame every other billboard on the road for accidents."

As my brother pointed out... this is America. :) I could see moron sueing for something that ridiculous.

Chris Said: "...unless you plan on sueing every female jogging on the side of the road in the evening wearing sport bras and spandex pants..."

Uhh... I don't see a problem with that. *evil grin*

30 November, 2005 16:37  

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