I hate Fry's Electronics

The fan in the power supply for my computer has been making some weird noises lately. I remember that last time my fan started making noises it ended up dying... but I continued to use the computer anyways. Needless to say, the computer overheated and I lost everything on my computer.
Therefore, this time I decided that I would go ahead and replace the power supply before the fan could crap out on me. So... unfortunately... I went to Fry's.
I go in, get the power supply, go back home, take out the old power supply, put in the new power supply, hit the "power" button, then..........
Absolutely nothing.
I look in the back and make sure that I turned on the power button in the back... and I had flipped it on.
I look back on the inside of my computer... everything was hooked up where it was supposed to go.
Then came to the conclusion that, once again, Fry's has sold me a piece of crap that doesn't work.
It is not possible to go to Fry's and make a purchase, go home, put everything together, and be done. No... you have to make your purchase, figure out which item is broken, return it, get a new one, go back home and put everything back together, realize that another part is broken, return it, replace it, come back home and put everything back together, then realize that one final item is broken... but this time, when you go to return it, the store's closed.
I hate Fry's.
Me, my brother, and Luke have returned several items that we purchased from Fry's. Off the top of my head I remember:
- A motherboard or three
- A computer case
- A power supply or two
- A processor or five
as well as many other things that I can't think of this instant.
You would think that I would've learned my lesson by now and stopped shopping there.
Oh... so I drove over to Best Buy afterwards... found a power supply... bought it... came home and installed it... hit the "power" button... and everything worked just fine.
So once again I'll say:
I hate Fry's.
I've never had to deal with Fry's, because I've never lived near one. Best Buy and CompUSA aren't bad, but their prices are often not great. For computer stuff I usually go to Newegg.com if it's not an emergency replacement. Oh, and at Best Buy, they do honor the extended warranty, but it's only worth buying if the product is at high risk for damage (e.g. portable devices or components for a computer you're going to run hard).
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