Why I quit...

Deep down I knew I shouldn't have taken the job... but I was desperate so I took it anyways. Shortly after accepting the job I already felt trapped. I worked the first day... and that wasn't too bad. I was a little sore... and really tired. After the second day I was extremely tired and extremely sore. My right shoulder felt as if I had broken my collar bone... every joint in my arms were killing me... I had a headache due to the two days of inhaling metal dust... and my knees were killing me.
The welding wasn't what was causing this (seeing as how I wasn't actually welding yet... all I was using the welding torch for was to tack pieces of the booms together)... but it was caused by moving the booms across a giant table... manually. These booms weighed anywhere from 800 to 2500 lbs... and I was having to roll them across the table by myself.
The next day I went to church... which didn't really do me any good since I slept through the entire service. I knew that if I kept the job my joints were only going to hurt worse... I was only going to become more exhausted... and I was only going to become more stressed.
I know that it would seem wise for me to just stick with the job and continue to search for a new one... then once I had another job lined up then quit this one. However, that wasn't exactly possible. I wasn't going to get home until 5 or 5:30 in the p.m. I wouldn't have been able to schedule an interview unless I took a few hours off during the middle of my shift.
So... I'm now continuing my search for a job.
I talked with a lady from the post office today. I should be receiving a package from the post office in about a week or so. This packet has information that I will need to study and some practice tests to complete. Once I'm ready I will then schedule a time to take the actual test. The lady informed me that those who actually prepare for the test usually make about 25 points higher than those who don't. On top of that... since I'm considered a disabled vet I will automatically receive an additional 5 to 10 points. She also told me that the post office prefers to hire former military.
The cool thing about this is... she said that I would start at a minimum of $20/hr. Based on my test scores it could be higher. She then said that the majority of the postal workers make at least $57,000 a year.
So... I'll be studying my @$$ off for this test.
Ok... well that's the update for now.
Have a great day.