My Head Asplode

So... I'm back in Austin for good. I'm extremely excited about that... but I'm also a bit saddened by that.
I finished my math final this past Wednesday. I emailed my professor to find out how I did... to which she responded with: "...Great job in the class and on the final! You made an A..." Which means I should receive my associate's degree in the mail in a week or so. Hopefully that will help me find a job... and soon.
Today it hit me that I am back home. I won't ever have to drive back to College Station unless I feel the need to visit. This also means that now I must find a job. This has me absolutely terrified. I've been looking for a job for the past few months... and I haven't really found anything that I qualify for. Another welding position opened in Austin (well... Round Rock) last week. I'm going to send in a resume. The problem is... I haven't welded in about five years. Which means... the only way I'll get hired on is if they're in desperate need of a welder. I know that if I get the job I'd need a crash course to refresh my memory on how to set up the machine and the various techniques for the various styles of welds (overhead, flat, vertical, and horizontal). I'm afraid that because of the need for a refresher course, I'm not going to get a welding job.
Also... I'm 25... and I'm going to be living with my parents again. I don't particuarly like this idea. I mean... ever since I was 18 I haven't really lived at my house. I mean... I did for a few months until I started school... and then I lived here again for a semester when I ran out of money. So... for the last 7 years I've basically lived independantly... and now... again... I'm relying on my parents to give me a place to stay. I could go and get a place of my own... but then I wouldn't really be able to save up money.
Furthermore... since I've lived on my own (basically) for the last seven years... I've accumulated a lot of stuff. The problem with that is... there's really not any place for any of my stuff. I've already found a home for one of my TV's... and some of my other stuff will be put in my brother's storage unit... but the rest of it is going to be crammed in my room and/or thrown out in the garage.
I really hate the fact that I don't have a job... because that means for the next -however-long-it-takes-to-find-a-job- I'll be bored out of my mind. Of course... the days will be spent searching for jobs... but... I don't know. My mind hurts. I can't really think straight at the moment.
I think I'm about to go drink another beer then go to bed.
Tomorrow, after church, I need to talk with someone to find out what all I'll need to do to transfer my membership from Westminster over to Redeemer.
Hopefully I'll get a job soon. Very soon. That would be awesome.
"I won't ever have to drive back to College Station unless I feel the need to visit."
Dude, you sure as hell better feel the need to visit from time to time, or there's gonna be pain! Er, um, I mean—please come visit us sometimes, Nathan, we miss you!
Good luck job hunting, dude. I hope you find something quickly so you can move out of your parents' house. You are planning on moving back out, right? ;-)
You better visit, shit...I didn't know you had left. There could have been a beer celebration of something.
I'll be in Austin I'm know that chick with the band that I know is from there and plays there from time to time.
If you don't visit...I'll go all Mr. T on your a$$ prediction is pain and I pity the fool I make the prediction for. :-)
Good luck in the job hunt, I'll pray for ya...let me know how it goes.
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