I guess I should probably update this thing before everyone assumes I gave up the blog.
Ok... let's see what all I can say since I last updated.
I finished Defensive Driving and got all of that stuff turned into the court so I didn't have a warrant out for my arrest.
I also finished my abnormal psych class. I'm happy to say I made an "A."
Classes for the fall start in about a month. I'll be taking:
Mythology - The study of myths in ancient cultures, mythic patterns in modern literature, and Hollywood as mythmaker.
History of Philosophy Since 1600 - Modern philosophical thought through the 19th century.
Lifespan Development - Survey of the psychology of human development from the pre-natal period through adulthood. Emphasis placed on cognitive, motivational, and physiological processes of development in childhood and adolescence.
Personality Psychology - A comprehensive introduction to research, theory, and application in the field of personality. Individual differences and situation influences are examined concerning authoritarianism, achievement motivation, anxiety, intelligence, self concept, interpersonal attraction, aggression, sexuality, and altruism.
This upcoming semester looks like it may be really interesting. I'm looking forward to taking classes again. I took Summer Session II off since I didn't have the money to go back at the time.
Let's see...
Oh, I tried another welding job. When hired, the boss told me that if at any point I didn't feel confident enough to do the job, then to say something... and he'd say something to me if didn't think I was capable of doing what needed to be done.
Well, after working on a simple project (which took me much longer than it should have) and noticing the quality of my work... and after seeing the other guys' work... I decided that I have lost all professional welding skills. I knew that it would take me several months to get to the point that I needed to be if I was going to do a decent job. So I ended up telling the boss that I didn't think it was fair of me to ask him to keep me on while I practice to get to where I needed to be.
Shortly after coming to this conclusion, but before I said anything, I was grinding on that project. Whilst grinding I felt the tiny flake of metal hit my cheek, knew it bounced off the inside of my safety glasses, because I then felt it hit my eye. My eye watered up a bit, I blinked a few times, then I didn't feel the flake any more. I assumed that I got it out so I didn't worry about it. Well, the following morning I woke up with my eye pouring out water, it felt like a hot piece of sand was in there, so I went to the bathroom to see if I could get the irritation to stop. As I flipped on the light and looked in the mirror I noticed that my eye was a bit swollen, and extremely bloodshot. I held my eyelid open as I looked in the mirror to see if I could see the metal that I knew was irritating my eye. There it was... right under the pupil... about halfway down the iris. I tried to pick it out with a small piece of rolled up toilet paper. (This works for just about anything that gets in your eyes) Unfortunately, the flake of metal wouldn't budge. So I then decided to try to get it out with water. I cupped my hand and placed my eye into the small puddle.
Bad idea. That felt as if I dunked my eye into gasoline and lit it on fire. At this point I decided I'd call in and let them know that I needed to go to the doctor.
It took me from 6:30 in the a.m. until 9:30 in the a.m. to find a place that could see me. The appointment was set up for 10:30. Great. So I waited at my apartment (after driving around for 3 hours trying to find a clinic that was open) until my dad showed up. Thankfully he drove in because it was rather difficult to drive... and even more so after I got the metal out... but I'll get to that.
As I waited for the eye doctor one of his assistants put some numbing drops in my eye. That was such a great relief. However, after about 15 minutes the drops power begun to fade. The assistant came back in to check on me. She said, "So, how's your eye feel..." then she looked at me and said "Oh! That's a stupid question." and rushed to put more numbing drops in my eye... because when she actually looked up at me I had water pouring out of my eye and I think my knuckles were white from my grip on the armrests.
The eye doctor finally came into the room I was in about 11:30. He then numbed my eye again... then sat down with a needle and some tweezers. He began to dig in my eye with the tweezers. Let me tell you... I about puked every time my vision blurred due to him tweezing that eye. Plus... I could hear the clicking of my eye-flesh each time the tweezers let go of it. I then saw him put the tweezers down and pick up the needle. I asked if that was in fact a needle... he chuckled then said "Don't worry, you won't feel it." And he was right. I don't know if he injected something in my eye... or if he was just using it to pick. 30 minutes later, the doctor finished.
So... why did a flake of metal take half an hour to dig out of my eye? Well... the flake took only seconds to get out... but I was informed that the tiny flake had rusted overnight... so the doctor was digging out smaller flakes of rust. He said there was still one little piece he couldn't get out, but he said it should flush itself out naturally. I think it did... because it's not bothering me any more.
Oh... but I learned something from the eye drops he gave me. I didn't know this... but you can actually taste things that you put in your eye. I thought I was going crazy. I'd put the antibiotic eye drops in, then about 2 minutes later I could taste it in the back of my throat. I asked a nurse at the hospital if this was normal... and after a call to the pharmacist she informed me that it was actually normal. Who knew?
So... what was I doing at a hospital? Well, my grandma's in there at the moment. She went in for a "simple" surgical procedure over a month ago... but there were several complications after the surgery. A large section of her colon died, so they had to remove most of her colon. Now they're saying that her liver and... I don't remember what... is dying but my grandma refuses to have any more surgeries (which I don't blame her). Anyways, it's been a very slow recovery. She seems to be making some progress... but she's still got a way to go.
I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I really enjoyed the book... but I'm a bit sad because now there won't be any more books. Oh well. Now I need to go back and read all 7 back-to-back.
And that's about all that's been going on (that I can remember at the moment). Not much to update about... my life's a bit boring at the moment.
Anyways... thanks for reading. I'll hopefully update this more frequently than I have been.