Pokemon Rocks My Socks Off!!!

The world's newest redneck... I mean country music singer.
Watch her AWESOME music video!
Way to go mom and dad!
What were ya'll thinking when you decided to let your daughter do this?
Don't worry, mom and dad... when your little angel is in high school and her "friends" find this video... they won't make fun of her for being the biggest loser in the school.
Now... I like Pokemon... and if my future kid(s) get ahold of my Gameboy games and end up becoming the world's biggest Pokemon fan... I would be perfectly fine with that.
If my kid came up to me with his/her Pikachu guitar and says "Daddy daddy! Come watch me sing!" and proceeded to do what this girl did... I think I'd have to look my kid in his/her eyes and say "If you ever attempt to do something that gay ever again... I'm going to beat the shit out of you. Now go to your room. Oh, and you're not getting dinner tonight. That way you can think of different ways not to be gay. Now go!"
You know... people wonder why they get made fun of in high school. Sometimes it's brought upon by that person's stupidity... but sometimes... I'm going to have to pass the blame to the kid's parents.
For instance:
The boy who wears a Barbie t-shirt to school. He's going to get made fun of... and may even get his ass kicked. I can't say it's the boy's fault... because at home it might be acceptable for him to parade around wearing girl's t-shirts... so I'd have to blame the parents for this kid's misfortune. They should never have allowed him to walk out the front door wearing that.
Anyways... once (read: if) I become a dad... my kid is not going to get made fun of because of me. I'm going to teach him common sense. I'll teach him that it's not ok to do things that will bring heartache upon himself. (like singing the Pokemon theme song in front of a camera because he thinks it makes him cool)
I should write a book on parenting skills. If people would read and follow it... I think the world might end up being a better place.
Hmm... I'll have to start thinking about this. I might even turn it into a post.
Here's what gets me, mommy and daddy think it's cute that their over weight daughter wants to be a rock star, cool by me. I mean, when I was little, my mom and dad video taped me, Nathan, and our sister Ashley singing. Videotaping kids doing cute (stupid) things is cool.
Now here's where my mom and dad differ from this girl's mommy and daddy, mom and dad aren't stupid enough to post the damn video on the internet so people like me could download it and make fun of their daughter. I swear people are stupid, haha, I'd NEVER post a video of my kid on the internet like that. Congrats Daddy, you're personally responsible for your daughter's being made fun of until the day she dies.
I'm guessing the girl's in high school now and has a brother—say, a seventh-grader. But the dad probably still gets the blame for creating the video in the first place. Not to mention paying for a Pokémon guitar....
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