Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Last Night...

Wow... I don't even know where to begin with this post. I guess I should just start at the beginning.

Andy graduated at 1400... so Sam, Stephen, Andy's family, Laura, and myself went to watch the (painfully slow) ceremony. Good ol' Barb Bush was the speaker.

After the graduation, we all went to eat somewhere... I forgot the name. The food was excellent.

After we had finished eating, we came back to the house to celebrate.

However... the celebration was cut short.

Sam came inside to get some more drinks for everyone (we were in the Cancer Shack)... upon his return he informed us that the toilet was overflowing and that water is standing all over the floor in the living room and in my room. I went to see the damage.

As I walked inside, I immediately noticed the water by the stairs. As I stood on the carpet there a nice sized puddle formed around my boot's impression. I said a choice word or two.

I then went into my room to see the damage done in there. I noticed the water was just as bad in my room as it was by the stairs. Then I noticed that my computer was swimming in a pool of water. I again said a choice word or two.

I turned off the computer... unhooked all of my electronics... and now all of my possesions are in the middle of our living room.

I then went to Wal-Mart to hopefully rent a wet/dry vac. All they had were steam cleaners... and I didn't think that adding more water to the already existing water would be a good idea... so I decided to see how much the wet/dry vacs cost.

I found one for $25. It's a Shop-Vac mini. (I should've just spent the extra $25 and bought the bigger one... but oh well.)

Now... I must say... I am highly impressed with the Shop-Vac company. That little bastard of a machine was able to suck up most of the water in the floor. However, as I said a moment ago... I should have bought the bigger one.

Sam and I spent from 1215 to 0415 sucking up the water in the floor. We calculated that we easily emptied 15 gallons (if not more) of water within those four hours.

Throughout the night there were many choice words uttered by me... and many drinks drank by me... and many a cigarette smoked by me. Twas a good night up until the toilet decided to drain it's pipes in our floor.

The floor is still damp... but 4 hours of work (while a bit tipsy) was more than enough. Now our house smells like a clean gas station bathroom... I'm just hoping we don't find any hidden "nuggets" tomorrow whilst cleaning.

Tomorrow shan't be fun... at least I cannot forsee it being much fun. There is so much work to do around the house now... and it must be finished before Andy and I leave for the holidays.

And now... I am going to go change out of my potty-water soaked jeans and then climb into bed. I would bathe... but... I'm too tired.

What? At least I washed my hands.


I'm sorry that Andy's graduation celebration was turned into a night of cleaning shit water.

But at least it wasn't all bad. We still managed to have a good time. Hanging out with friend's is always much fun.

Ok... bed. Oh wait... I forgot.
The floor by my bed is still wet with the poo-water. I hope I can figure out a way of getting in (and out) of bed without stepping on the wet spots.

And needless to say... I will not be walking around my house barefoot for quite some time.

Good night (or morning... however you look at it)

PS Sorry for any misspellings. It's F'ing late and I'm tired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said "shan't". :)

17 December, 2005 06:41  
Blogger Nathan said...

Oh wow... I did mess that up. Oh well... I have an excuse. I was tired and covered with poo water.

17 December, 2005 14:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, you had da poo on you.

17 December, 2005 16:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dang it, I accidently put the anti-spambot letters in as my name. Poo on that.

17 December, 2005 16:29  

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