Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm almost home...

Well... the poop-water is all dried up. Our floors are back to normal now... except... the house reeks of poop and mildew. I've decided that the house smells like a roller-skating rink. Mmm Mmm.

Andy is all moved out now... and I am all moved in. I have taken over Andy's room. So now Dubee and I have our own room. This is going to be nice. No more worrying about keeping anyone up... no more being woken up earlier than is needed (sort of).

However, I would gladly continue sharing a room with Andrew if it meant that Andy would be staying. It's going to be quite different now that he's gone. But it's ok. We all have to graduate and move on at some point.

I was going to drive back home this afternoon... but since the toilet decided to "spew it's heresy" onto the floor... the plans have changed. So now I will be driving back tomorrow (technically today)after I help move the furniture back into Andrew's room.

Moving has been a bit... difficult. I have a very painful bump in my right armpit. I'm thinking it's a boil. So I will be seeing a doctor on Tuesday to try and fix this. Seriously... this little bastard hurts. I can't even raise my arm up without feeling like someone just put a cigar out on my pit.

Speaking about doctors... I've got to see the knee doctor again. This time... if he tries to stick those needles in my knees... I'm going to kick him in the penis. Seriously.
Also... I've got to get my wisdom teeth pulled on the 4th of January. Talk about a fun Christmas break.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that sucks, I didn't know you were going back to the knee doctor, much less getting your wisdom teeth out. The wisdom teeth aren't so bad, the worst is not being able to eat real food for the next 2 days after.

19 December, 2005 06:27  

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