Home At Last

The way things were going, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to drive home.
The drive was the same boring drive that it always is. Thankfully I enjoy listening to music... so that helps keep me entertained whilst driving.
Ahh... I forgot how nice it is to be in a heated house. I wish that one day my roommates will learn that A/C in the summer and heat in the winter is a good thing. Don't get me wrong... saving money on the electric bill is nice... but to me... I'd rather spend the little extra and use the wonderful invention known as an air conditioning unit.
So tomorrow... I've got to see the doctor about this (these) bump(s) in my armpit. Upon closer examination... it looks like some sort of a bite. It's definitely not a boil. Boils are typically round... this is not round. It looks like two swollen lines with a small valley in between them. I can't wait for the swelling to go down so that I can start wearing deodorant again. I don't understand how international students aren't able to smell the stench created by not wearing deodorant.
Well, I've talked to two old friends today. My old friend Jared, who I met when I was in 3rd grade and later went to high school with, and my old friend Daniel who went to school with me back in 2nd and 3rd (I think) grade. I'll be hanging out with them whilst I am home.
Other than that... I don't think I have anything else to say.
Oh... except I need to write that paper on smoking. Yes... I now have free time to write it... so I need to take advantage of that while the opportunity exists.
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