
Anyways... dog humping aside... my family is in town. We spent the day at the mall... then we ate pizza at our house... then watched a movie.
Oh... and before the ladies made it back to the house, all the guys (Me, my cousin, my dad, and my new uncle) all sat around a played Halo 2 for a while. My dad and new uncle are not any good... but it was still fun playing with them.
After everyone went back over to my grandma's house to go to bed... my brother, Panda, my cousin, and myself played Halo 2 for a little bit longer.
Once Christopher and Panda left, I showed my cousing Destory All Humans... this game is freaking hillarious. (Thanks Luke)
Now I am off to watch some more Smallville. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas... I mean... Happy Holidays. (Gee... I'd hate to offend someone by saying the word Christmas) *rolls eyes*
Dubeee's obviously been corrupted by Buddy who humps anything that moves.
You only say that because you've never seen Buddy around other dogs. :)
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