My Pez Collection

I finally decided to make a photo album of my collection so that I would be able to remember which dispensers I do and don't have.
I couldn't tell you guys how many times I've been in a store with a Pez dispenser in my hand while thinking to myself "Do I already have this one?"
So now... all I have to do is go to the album (which can be viewed here) and no longer will I have this problem.
I have over 250 of these. Actually... I have close to 300... but a lot of them are repeats.
The reason for repeats is because for Christmas, Easter, and Valentines Day I receive many of these holiday Pez.
So... if any of you are ever at a store that sells Pez... and if you feel like helping my collection grow... feel free to buy the ones I don't already have and hook a nigga up.
And that, my friends, is all there is for now.
Holy crap, how long did it take you take all those photos and upload them??
Not too long. It was actually about 60 pictures that I cut up and made into several other pictures... then I uploaded the pictures about 20 at a time... so it didn't take but a couple of hours.
I could've taken the pictures quicker if mom would actually be willing to delete pictures off her digital camera. We uploaded them from the camera to the computer... but she wanted to keep the pictures on her memory card so she could go get them printed.
We informed her that she could take a cd of the pictures to the store and they could print them from the cd... but she's convinced that the quality of the pictures will be better if they are taken from the memory card.
Mom and technology... the two just don't mix. :)
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