Studying Sucks!

Anyways... about that final I took on Friday. I made a 90 on the test... which gives me a 93 overall grade. I am quite happy about this. A's are a great GPA booster.
Well... an "A" is not quite in my reach for my remaining classes. However, a "B" is. And I'll be happy with a "B".
All that's left is Children's Literature and Anthropology.
The past two days has been spent reading many a children’s book. Two were interesting... the other two... not so much. Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear and Ramona and Her Father were ok... however, I don't see myself ever reading these to my children.
But Psyche's Art royally sucked. I could barely follow it... which tells me that I either have the mental capacity less than that of a child... or the book sucks. I think I'll stick with the latter.
I'm currently reading Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry which I'm not too fond of. I'm having a hard time relating to the story... but seeing as how it's a story of an oppressed black family only a few years after slavery was abolished... it's not surprising that I can't relate. I've never been a slave... I've never been oppressed (depressed, maybe... but never oppressed).
So tomorrow will be spent finishing the last of Rolling Thunder, studying various terms that I must define for Children's Lit., and studying the 100 review questions for Anthropology.
Then on Tuesday... I will take these last two finals. Tuesday night will be spent drinking much beer and smoking much tobacco.
Speaking of tobacco... tonight I purchased a pack of coffee flavored/scented bidis. For those of you who are unaware as to what a bidi is... it's tobacco wrapped in a tea leaf... and I'm sure they add something to make the different flavors.
The coffee flavored ones are ok... however, the strawberry flavored ones are much better. Avoid the vanilla. It is not so good.
And now I must crawl into my personal oven... otherwise known as my bed.
Oh... before I go to bed. I almost forgot the more important part of this post.
Although studying sucks... it can be made more enjoyable by studying with friends. None of us were studying material that was even close to being related... but we all sat at our table in the library and studied. Mike farted continuously for several hours... which gave us all a good laugh. (and they smelled terrible by the way)... Andy, Amanda, Mike, and myself would occasionally make a comment that would distract one another... which distractions are quite welcome after a long time of staring at a book. Tomorrow... I have a date with the library.
And now... I must bake. Good night my faithful blog readers.
Well Nathan, I just took my last final for the semester. Be praying for me would you buddy?
oh just take anatomy and study with a co-ed
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