Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Friday, December 09, 2005

1st Final

I'm about 5 minutes away from taking my first final. I didn't study for it at all... but that's because I haven't even opened the text book once this entire semester. Why? Well... because it's a simple class. One of the questions that will be on the test is "What are the red squiggly lines under a word in MSWord?" Hmm... maybe it's because it's not spelled correctly?
So... this weekend will be spent studying for my other finals. I have much reading to do to be able to pass these tests.

Oh... and some time over the Christmas break I am going to write a post about smokers being the only group that is legally discriminated against. I'm saying this more as a reminder for myself.

And now... the test begins.


Blogger John Jackson said...

What about Christians?

10 December, 2005 08:39  
Blogger Nathan said...

It's not legal to segregate and discriminate against Christians.
Smokers on the other hand... it's completely acceptable.

10 December, 2005 12:49  
Blogger John Jackson said...

I see what you mean. I guess I just think of the rampant discrimination against Christianity in general in our culture, and especially in the public sphere. Seemingly any worldview is acceptable these days...accept that of consistant Biblical Christianity. This is one of the things that Paul Canup and I have used our blog to try and combat. Still, it is true that there is a difference between discriminating against Christians, and discriminating against Christianity, and you have a valid point, that smokers are discriminated against. I myself have felt this sort of discrimination numerous times (not least at once smoker friendly Halcyons) and so I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

10 December, 2005 13:40  
Blogger Mike said...

I am going to write a post about smokers being the only group that is legally discriminated against.

I don't see how that is remotely defensible. What about murderers?

10 December, 2005 13:57  
Blogger Nathan said...

How is it legal to discriminate murderers?

10 December, 2005 14:52  

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