The Porch

For those who are unaware, our porch has been the place to hang out for many a year. However, recently our porch has been a bit empty. Don't get me wrong, we still sit out there quite a bit... just not near as much as we used to.
Back to tonight...
Amanda, Andy, Mike and myself were going to hang out on the porch... but since it is so damn cold out, we decided to hang out in the back yard... crowded around the barbeque pit. I started a fire in there... and it kept us all warm enough to smoke/talk. Unfortunately, our presence was not graced by any beer. For shame!
I don't know what it is about fires, but I don't think I've ever had a dull moment around a fire. *thinks* Hmm... if my house were to ever catch on fire... I could see that being a not so great moment. But my house has never caught on fire... so... I can still say that I've enjoyed ever fire I've ever been around.
Back to the porch...
I forgot how much I enjoyed sitting out there with a good tobacco product, friends, and some beers. The first summer I lived in this house was the best time I've had here. The porch was never vacant. We even had a swinging bench (complete with nasty cushions found in one of the neighbors' trash). Many stories have been told... many great conversations have taken place... and many good times have been shared on the porch.
My goal for next semester is to try and bring the good times back to the porch. (or rather have more good times on the porch than there have been this semester) The challenge is... all the people who enjoyed hanging out on the porch drinking/smoking/talking have all graduated. I don't really know many of the people still in this town. I guess that's something I need to work on.
Ah... relaxing porch... how I loveth thee.
Alas I understand your sentiments. I can remember several years back (the good old days as I like to call it). We would head over to David St. where Johnny Rob lived with abunch of RUF guys. We'd sit out on the porch there and smoke pipes and drink beer for hours talking about anything. The times were good. Now all the people that I hung out with are either graduated and moved or married (myself included).
So begins a new chapter of life. One with different joys and a new era of the "good old days". :)
I will try to spend more time on the porch next semester. :)
I am still in town damnit!
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