I'm Procrastinating

I have a paper due tomorrow. The paper is supposed to talk about either race or gender related things in a specific piece of children's literature.
I really hate this type of topic. I feel as if I'm supposed to say "The white man is so evil. We are all sexist, racist, bastards. We should apologize to the world for existing... blah blah blah..."
I know that is not what is required for this paper... it's just that every time the topic of race or gender comes up I feel that is the type of response the professor is looking for.
I've got very little work (practically none) done for this paper. Thankfully, I only need two sources and only 2000 words. I should have no problem kicking this out before I go to bed. We shall see.
Like I said... I'm procrastinating... so I will continue to type until I finally decide to start working on the paper.
Our house is freezing right now. I absolutely loathe cold weather. (My brother does not. He's a freakin' Eskimo) I purchased an electric blanket the other day. That was by far the best $30 I've ever wasted.
I would have just turned on the heater... but I was informed by 2 of the three upstairs roommates that it is much hotter upstairs than it is downstairs. Therefore, I didn't want to turn the heater on and make the rest of the roommates suffer (besides, I was the only one complaining about how cold it was/is). That is the reason for the purchase of the electric blanket.
The first night under the blanket... ahh... it was like climbing into my own personal oven. I baked all night. It was by far the best sleep I've had in quite some time.
The semester is almost over. (Praise be to God!) This semester has been a royal pain in the ass. I haven't been this stressed out since my last year in the Marines. However, next semester looks promising. I think I'll enjoy those classes much more than the ones taken this semester. I don't know why I thought taking two literature classes in the same semester was a good idea... it was not.
I was just about to take a picture of Dübeee... but the batteries in my camera died just as I was zooming in on her. She's asleep on her back... legs sprawled out in four directions... and she has her stuffed pig in her mouth. I love this dog.
I need to go Christmas shopping... but that's going to have to wait until I get home... which will give me a total of 5 days to get everything for everyone. Thankfully I know what I'm going to get... so it shouldn't take any longer than one good day of shopping.
I'm thinking of changing the background of my blog again... I like the red satin... but I want something else. However, I do not know what I want to change it to. I'm thinking of black bathroom tile... which I may do in a moment... but I still want something different. If any of you can find a cool tile to throw in the background... if I like it... I'll use it. Just email the picture to me.
And now... I think it's time for one more cigarette... then the paper. (and modifying the blog a bit more... and other types of procrastinating)
If anyone can tell me the html code that will put a space between the picture and the words... that would be great. :)
Yeah, I heard ya with the racial thing. You know, I understand that there are racists that still exists (and yes, if a black man doesn't like a white man because he's white, it's called racism, no matter how you spin it) today and that's ashame. That aside, for the vast majority of Americans today, racism simply doesn't exist. As a matter of fact, if the NAACP and the ACLU would just let racism die, then it would simply, well, die. The only people I hear cry about rasicm are those two groups. Here's a reality check, if you wouldn't keep forcing racism on America, it'd cease to exist. Of course, if racism does cease to exist, then those special interest groups stop getting their special treatment. After all, that's what the special interest groups want, special treatment. They don't want equality, they was superiority.
Ok, so I'll get off my soapbox now. Yes, Nathan, you're a wimp. Man up and start liking cold weather. :D Hehehehe
Oh, and Nathan: Grow a pair, dude. Cold weather is awesome.
Alan said: " Nathan, I thought you quit smoking?"
Yeah... I did for about 3 months... I started back up. :)
Alan said: " Oh, and Nathan: Grow a pair, dude. Cold weather is awesome."
Alan, quit believing the media's lies. Cold weather sucks.
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