Well... my grades were posted on Blinn's website today. I'm happy with all the grades... but I'm a bit shocked by one of them:
Phil. of Rel.---B
I'm extremely happy that I made a "C" in English. That was really the only class that had me concerned.
Now... the one that shocked me was Ethics. I made a "B" on all of my tests... so I'm not really sure how I managed to get a "C".
Oh well... I don't care. A "C" is passing... and with a "C" I'll still be able to get my degree.
I'm super excited about summer conference. I haven't been in two years.
And tonight... I get to go to the Linnemeyer's bible study! YAY!
Ok... now I'm starving... I'm going to go see if my grandma wants to eat lunch.
I've had a few Fantastic!s in my life so far. :) Only one in college though. :)
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