It's over! (Well, almost)

Tomorrow is my last day of class... then I get to start taking my finals.
Here's what that's going to look like:
Thursday, May 4
Math @ 12:45
Friday, May 5th
Speech @ 12:45
Monday May 8
Ethics @ 10:15
Monday May 8
English @ 3:15
Tuesday, May 9
Philosophy of Religion @ 12:45
Then I will be finished with school until the summer session starts.
In other news...
My week started off with a huge surprise.
Sunday, after lunch, I came home and sat down to play some video games for a while. I set my sweet tea (liquid crack) from Chicken Express on my foot locker. Then I went over to the mini-fridge to get something and I grabbed a cup from atop the fridge. I put put the straw in my mouth... and no sooner than the month-old Dr. Pepper hit my tongue it was back out in the floor... all over various notes from class.
I said a few choice words as I ran to the bathroom to wash out my mouth.
The worst part about it was... the month-old Dr. Pepper had chunks in it.
Once my mouth was clean (and tasting better with an Altoid) I decided that I really should clean my room. So... that's what I did. Instead of playing video games I cleaned my room.
Then on Monday, I had to give my last speech (which is considered a test grade)... however, for some reason I forgot to save the outline onto my flash drive... so when I got to campus to print it off... I realized that I didn't have it. So... I couldn't give my speech. So... tomorrow I've got to give my speech... if there's time. If there's no time left at the end of class... I'm screwed.
But... I have an "A" in the class... so if I don't get a chance to present it, I should still end up with a "C". (I hope)
Today went rather well. I had my first two reviews for my finals. I'm not worried about my math one at all. (I did end up getting a 104 on the last test)
A few people from my Philosophy of Religion class are going to get together Monday night to study for the final. That should be good... and very beneficial.
Tomorrow I'll have my last 3 reviews. I'm not really all that worried. This semester I seem to have a much better understanding of the material than I have in some of my previous classes.
The only final (well... class) that I'm worried about is my English class. I have to make a "C" in it. If I don't... then I will be dropped from my Tech. Writing class that I have to have to get my associate's degree.
As for working out... I'm finally to the point where I can work my upper body without the pain in my arms being extremely bad. In other words, I can start working out my upper body on an every-other-day basis now.
Now I've just got to get to that same point with my legs. However, I lost my workout plan for my legs... so when I see my trainer on Thursday I'm going to have to get her to write another one up for me.
Well... I've got to go and finish my last take-home-test for Ethics. It's due tomorrow @ 10 in the a.m.
Yeah. It was really nasty. :)
I actually think it was fermented... because it tasted a bit alcoholic... but in a bad way. :)
As hard as I laughed when I heard you say "There's a bird in the house"? :)
My stomach did flips just from reading that...I'm surprised you didn't hurl!
Well... I didn't swallow any of it... if I had... I probably would've puked. :)
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