4/5 Done!

I have one final left. Tomorrow... at 12:45.
I'm a bit irritated... I was supposed to get a phone call from a guy in our class. There was supposed to be a group of us getting together to study tonight... but seeing as how it's almost 11 in the p.m. I highly doubt that I'll be receiving a phone call.
Oh well.
I think I'll do fine if I study by myself. I mean... I've studied alone for all of my other tests and I've still managed to make a "B" on all of them.
In other news... I received a "C-" on my research paper... which means I've made a "C" on all of my papers for my English class... which means as long as I made a "C" on my final... I'll have made a "C" in this English class... which means I will never again have to take this class! YAY!
I should be able to know what I've made in all of my classes by Friday. So before I leave for Florida, I'll know my grades... which will be nice.
In about two or three months I'll be moving back to Austin! I'm really looking forward to that.
In some ways I want to stay here... but in others I really want to move back.
Oh yeah...
I almost missed my English final today. After my Ethics final... I decided to sit out in front of my English classroom to study. My final didn't start for another 3 hours or so. I studied for a little while... maybe 30 minutes... then I started to get really tired... so I decided to take a nap in the hallway. I set my alarm for 3:30 in the p.m. because I thought my final was at 3:45 in the p.m. However... at 3:15 in the p.m. a guy from my class came up to me and tapped my foot to wake me up. He said "Hey, our final's starting." To which I replied "Oh $h!t!" and went into the class room. I read the first question about 5 times before I understood what it was asking... then I read the second question about 5 times before I understood what it was asking. Shortly after that I woke all the way up and was able to only read the question once. :) Yay for being sleepy.
Now I've got to get ready for tomorrow... I've got to make sure I get all of my stuff in my car... that way as soon as my final is over with, I can come back to the house, get Dubeee, then start driving home.
Once I get home I need to clean out my car... especially if I'm going to be driving others to summer conference. That means I'll be cleaning out the trunk of my car for the 1st time in years. :)
I also need to vacuum it out so that whoever sits up front doesn't get out of the car with a pound of Dubeee hair attached to their pants/shirt.
I love that dog. :) She played with my arm/shirt for about half an hour earlier. :)
Ok... I need to go study and get ready for tomorrow.
Well... just stop by the house at some point. :)
I've never beat you!
I'm for cereal!
Well... I did beat you at go fish...
Yeah... Dubeee smells really bad. And hopefully I'll give her a bath tomorrow. :)
But... we'll see. :)
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