
I noticed that it was raining... and thundering... and, so I decided to go stand on the porch for a bit to enjoy a bit of God's artwork.
I was just staring out into the open... and this was the first time I noticed this. I guess I was looking in the right place at the right time. When the lightning flashed I was able to see thousands of rain drops all light up at the same time. It was beautiful. Words can do no justice in explaining the sight I saw.
Furthermore, I stood in awe at how awesome God's creation truly is. It's quite easy to forget at times... seeing as how the world around us is a daily part of our lives... so I'm thankful that God gave me the opportunity to enjoy his work early this morning.
Also, while I was standing out on the porch, a decent sized spider decided to hitch a ride on my pant leg. Once I returned to my room, I noticed a black thing on my leg. I figured it was just some of Dubeee's hair... but no... once I pinched it and threw it in the floor I realized that it was not hair... because hair isn't crunchy... or juicy. :) So I examined it a bit further and then realized that it was indeed a spider. I then laughed to myself and thought of what would happen if Christopher would have done that. :)
In other news, I have now completed 2/5 of my finals.
Math and Speech are out of the way.
All that's left is Ethics, English, and Philosophy of Religion.
Tomorrow I hope to spend most of my day in the library studying... because I have to make a "C" in my English class if I'm going to acquire my associate's degree by the end of the summer.
So... I have to make sure that I understand Othello well enough to write a short essay answering some questions.
Oh joy. Shakespeare.
I should probably go to bed soon... actually... I should've gone to bed a long time ago. It's now 4:10 in the a.m. :)
Oh... and I watched a movie tonight. It's called "Lord of War". I'm not too sure if I liked it or not. I mean... it wasn't bad... but... I'm not sure if I liked it.
I'm super excited about going to Florida! In four days I will be returning to Austin. FOUR DAYS! I can't wait. :) Well... I can... because I have to. :)
Then Florida!
Then more school... but I won't think about that at the moment.
This weather isn't really making my joints feel all that great. But I love storms. I was seriously tempted to go stand out in the street... but then I decided against because I didn't want to come inside super soaked.
Ok... it's now bed time. :)
I didn't get burned... if Christopher wasn't married, mom would still be doing his laundry too. AND... she doesn't always do my laundry... only when I come home... and even then I'll do it myself unless she's already taken care of it. :)
I'm super cerial!
Why won't you take me cerial?!?!?
I take you cereal, Nathan. Want to go hunt for Manbearpig? It's part pig and part manbear. Or it might be part man and part bearpig.
No no no... it's half man, half bear, and half pig.
Get it right... or else you don't take Manbearpig cereal!
lightning is one of the most spectacular things ive ever experienced. i love seeing it in different facets. ive never seen what you described, but i hope to someday.
p.s., othello isn't really that intimidating.
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