Spring Break and Stuff

Each day was better than the next... then on Saturday morning I woke up at 7:30 in the a.m. to play street hockey for the first time ever.
As most everyone knows... I absolutely hate watching and playing sports. However, I found that I really enjoy playing hockey. (Now I just have to figure out how to ice skate and see if I can play real hockey)
Anyways... I get out to the fenced in basketball court where we were going to play. One problem though... it was raining... and had been raining all morning.
Thankfully, we played anyway.
All went well... I was running again for the first time in over four years. I was afraid that my knees were going to give out, but thankfully they never bothered me.
I think I ran into the fence about 5 times. One time I hit the fence... but the fence really didn't like that... so it threw me backwards. I tried to catch myself, but ended up hitting the ground... rolled a few times... then landed on my back... in a puddle of water.
The game was going great... right until the very end.
My team had the ball near the goal... so... of course, the other team's defense was attempting to get the ball away from the goal. I forget the guy's name... but he hit the ball... which in turn came flying up... and nailed me right in the... umm... unmentionables.
Now... I've been hit in the boys before... but I've never experienced pain like this. I instantly fell to the ground. And needless to say... I did not finish out the game.
I'm really looking forward to playing again... but before I do... I'm taking a trip to the sporting goods store to purchase some male protection.
Sunday was good... but I really didn't want to leave Austin.
But I had to.
I had a speech to give on Monday afternoon.
Oh... yeah... the speech.
I had about two weeks to prepare for it. Did I use any of that time? No.
So Sunday, I got back here around midnight. I came upstairs to start working on the speech. Since I had to make a powerpoint presentation for it... I started finding all the welding pictures I could that would go with what I had to say.
Around 2 in the a.m. I finally decided that I was too tired to concentrate on school work... set both alarms for 6 in the a.m.... and then went to bed.
At 9 in the a.m. I woke up.
I had 30 minutes before I needed to leave for class.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays class lets out at 10:50 in the a.m.
So at 11 in the a.m. I sat down in the computer lab to start working on my speach. My speach class starts at 1:25 in the p.m.
At 1:20 in the p.m. I finish the powerpoint project... print it off... and was in my seat by 1:22 in the p.m.
I had 3 whole minutes to spare.
I gave my speech... and... I think it went ok.
I'll find out my grade next week.
Anyway... I'm not feeling so great at the moment... so I'm off to bed.
"Male protection"? Nathan, I don't think a condom is going to do you any good when a ball hits your balls. What you need is a cup!
I can help you with the ice skating...it's easy on the knees too!
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