My Speech

My speech covered the basics of EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrom).
Overall, I think the speech went over fairly well. As I was practicing last night, the speech continued to run over 7 minutes. This caused a problem, because we were only allowed 7 minutes to give our speech.
However, once I presented my speech, it only ran 6 minutes and 13 seconds. Apparently I speak a little faster when I'm nervous.
Speaking of being nervous...
Near the begining of my speach, I could tell that my voice started giving out. Not in volume... I... don't really know how to explain it. It was almost wavering. (I think that's the word I'm looking for)
So... we'll see how it all turned out. I should get my grade back on Monday.
In other news...
Tonight's RUF was amazing. John F. talked about something that I really needed to hear (and continue to need to hear). He spoke on lust and porn and things of that nature.
This is one things that I love about the Presbyterian church (although I'm sure there are other denominations that do this too)... but when it comes to talking about sin in our lives, the minister (and other church leaders) don't act as if they've conquered sin. They tell you straight up that they sin as well. In my old church (which I will not post the name to for courtesy reasons) many of the leaders acted as if they've mastered sin... as if they never sin any more.
Anyways... I've got a lot of reading to do... a lot of thinking to do... and a lot of sleep I need to catch up on.
Until next time...
Congratulations Nathan, I'm so glad it went well. I was praying for you man.
Did you visualize the professor and the class's obligatory fat guy in their underwear?
I love lamp.
JJ, Thank you. Prayers are always appreciated.
Terd, of course I visualized them in their underwear. Who wouldn't want to visualize a fat guy in his underwear?
And Andy, I love lamp too.
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