Yummy Food

Uh oh...
I think I made a mistake.
I ate at Freebirds tonight.
Don't get me wrong, eating a Freebirds Burrito isn't a mistake... but this burrito didn't taste right to me. I can't really explain it... but there was something about it that told me "Nathan, you should not eat this."
However, I ate it anyway.
Now... I've had food poisoning twice. (both from Toxic Hell... I mean Taco Bell)
Both times it started out the same.
First, I have a slight pain in my stomach... which feels like a bit of gas.
Next, I start farting about once every five minutes... which smells like a rotting carcus.
The stomach ache progressively gets worse until it feels as if I were punched in the stomach.
This pain gets worse and worse until I end up puking... and this isn't normal puke. This is projectile puke that smells and tastes extremely awful.
Then I'll fall asleep... only to awake in a few hours with diarrhea... which smells so bad I'll puke again.
Then I'll go back to sleep... and remain asleep for the majority of the next day and half of the day after that.
Right now, I'm at the point to where the stomach ache is progressively getting worse. (except the farts don't smell too bad)
Hopefully this is a false alarm and I won't be sick. I can't be sick. I must go to school tomorrow. I have several tests coming up and I can't miss any days between now and then.
I'll let all you know if this was a false alarm, or if it turns out to be food poisoning again.
Who knows... maybe I just need to take a big, fat, steamy, healthy dump. Maybe that will solve my problems.
Reading this makes me want to projectile vomit man, sick, hahahaha.
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