
First... I do not find her attractive at all. I mean, she looks like a mix between a Barbie Doll with down syndrome and a chihuahua.
Second... who she is is not attractive. Sadly, a lot of girls listen to her fashion advice which in turn has them dressing like skanks. Also, they listen to her as if she's some sort of authority on how we should behave. Hopefully, when/if I ever have a daughter... she'll grow up to not be like Paris.
Lastly... the only reason she's famous is because she whored herself out by putting her sex tape(s) on the internet. Seriously... had she not done that... she'd only be as famous as her sister... and who really pays any attention to What's-her-name Hilton?
Anyways... I guess that's enough of a rant on Paris.
So... up to come...
Tomorrow (today, technically) I have two tests. One in my math class and the other in my philosophy of religion class. I'm about to start studying for the philosophy class... but I doubt I'll study for the math test. I didn't study for the last math test and I made a 99 on it.
Wednesday I have a mid term in my speech class and a paper due in my English class.
Oh... I made a 97 on my speech. On Wed. I should receive my extra credit points which will put the grade over a 100. (Praise be to God!)
Thursday... I don't really think there's anything on Thursday... other than classes.
And Friday will end my schooling until after Spring Break. Class will get out at 10:50 in the a.m. Then I will be driving home to meet up with my brother and da' Panda. Then we will be camping somewhere with my cousin, his finance, and our friend Kenny. This will be a great break from school.
I feel like there was something else I was going to say... but I completely forgot. Oh well. Off to studying I go.
being like Hilton I mean.
It's not Paris' fault that not using the word "like" followed by a blank stare and a groan is intellectually painful. Geez, where's the love? :D
Right on the hilton dump! Shes on too many pedestals in 2 many (i.e more than 0) ppls lives. Who wants to b involved in something so shallow rite? Good on ya!
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