
Let me first explain something here.
My idea of a perfect camping trip is going out in the middle of no where with some firearms, a knife, a blanket (or two), and some food (in case your luck as a hunter/fisher is not that great). I would bring a tent... but that would be used only if it decided to rain.
A nearby lake is preferable, but it is no a necessity.
So... now that you understand my idea of camping let me explain how my "camping" trip went during the first weekend of Spring Break.
We arrived at the "campsite" Friday evening. My cousin had already set up his tent and the tent that Christopher, Panda, and I were supposed to use. Christopher and Panda went into the tent to set it up the way they wanted to. I was about to make fun of them because they brought a blow-up matress... but after seeing my cousin's tent... I could not make fun of Christopher and/or Panda.
My cousin's tent was carpeted... the too had a blow-up mattress, except theirs was complete with a head board. They also had a T.V. and a laptop. And lastly, there was a fake chandelier hanging from the inside-top of the tent.
Now... if this isn't bad enough... let me explain to you the kitchen that my cousin brought. He had a dual-top propane stove... and about 30 boxes of all kinds of random $h!t. (I don't even think they knew what was inside some of these boxes)
Now... like I mentioned already... when camping, I prefer to sleep on the ground with a blanket (the pillow is optional). Therefore, I slept on the ground. Everyone thought I was weird.
I'm weird because I actually like true camping? I decided it was pointless to explain to them that they were the weird ones. They should've just stayed at home and slept in a tent in their back yard.
So... besides the "camping" arrangements... let me b!+ch a moment about the fishing.
The fishing part of this trip was the most frustrating.
Anyone who knows me knows that it takes a whole lot to actually piss me off. And this "fishing" trip came extremely close to having me throw my cousin in the water.
All 3 days that we spent fishing... the boat managed to be tied off once. The rest of the time we coasted down the lake by use of the trolling motor. Now, anyone who's been fishing before knows that to catch fish you actually have to keep the boat in one general area for at least 30 minutes. But no... the one time we actually sat the boat still... that lasted no more than five minutes.
No one caught any fish while on the boat (mainly because the fish couldn't have caught our lines no matter how starving they were for food... they can't swim as fast as we were flying down the lake).
Actually... that's not true. My cousin did manage to catch a fish... on accident. I swear... he had to have thrown the line directly into the fish's mouth... because the instant the lure hit the water, he immediately began to reel in the fish.
Christopher almost caught one... but the stupid thing fell off the hook about 6 inches from the boat.
We lost about 117 fishing lures and hooks. This was because the second our lines would hit the water... they would get caught on trees or brush that was in the water... but since we were going Mach 10 down the lake the lines almost instantly snapped the moment there was any tension.
I managed to catch a fish... but not on the boat. I was down at the lake around 5:30 in the a.m. and I managed to catch the fish around 7:30 in the a.m. Unfortunately, my fishing line got all screwed up shortly after that... so I had to quit fishing until after I could re-string the line back at the "campsite".
Don't get me wrong... the "camping" trip was still fun. It was just frustrating at times.
Thankfully, the rest of Spring Break has been amazing! I think this is my first time to be home in several months. I got to spend time with my aunt, my new uncle, my cousins, my grandma, my brother, Panda, my parents, and a few friends. I have had so much fun the past few days... and I hope that the rest of this week is just as good as it has been the past few days.
And now... I must go to bed. It's 5 in the a.m. I'm an idiot. Why do I always stay up so late?
Oh... I know why. Video games.
So yes... good night.
You can't make too much fun of me for the airmatress, my neck is as screwed up as your knees and if I sleep on the ground I'll never get back up off the ground. Kind of how your knees feel after being in the car for 5 hours.
in my day we didn't have sleeping bags....we slept on a log or in the mud. We ate raw snakes and fough bears for deer and hog meat for breakfast. We fished with saplings or with our bare hands and teeth. You want shelter from the rain...use the tree canopy. You want toilet paper...use a leaf that isn't poison something and we learned that the hard way! None of this pampered gay, borkeback mountain sh!t.
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier...
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