Just Call Me Scrooge

I realize that I'm probably in a very small minority on this... but what they hay... I'll post it anyway.
This is something I think about all the time... but today I was really annoyed by it. My mom, my sister, and I went to Cracker Barrel to eat dinner tonight. And for those of you who have ever been to a Cracker Barrel know that they have a sort of old fashioned General Store in front of the restaurant. Year round, the merchandise changes with the holiday seasons.
So... today the place was decked out in both Halloween and Christmas stuff to buy. Now, the point of this post is to state the fact that I hate holiday decorations. Not just Christmas or Halloween decorations... I'm talking about all of the holiday decorations. I can't stand it. I'm not really sure why... I just don't.
Every year I see people's houses or places of business filled with Valentine, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc... decorations... and... I just want to tear it down.
Of course... I would never do that... since it's not mine.
But when I had my own apartment, it was never decorated. It would drive my mom insane that I didn't want a Christmas tree at Christmas or a Thanksgiving welcome mat for the month of November.
I don't know... maybe it's because 99% of the decorations have nothing to do with the purpose of the holiday. Either way... I'd be much happier if there were no holiday decorations. I know what the day is without needing to be reminded by my surroundings.
Unfortunately... if I get married... my wife will most likely deck the walls with that crap. Well... I need not worry about that for now.
I don't really know why I felt like posting this... but... whatever. :)
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