I'm not an effing Eskimo!

This weather sucks.
I hate it.
Seriously... I did not move back to Texas so I could freeze to death. If I wanted to freeze off my... unmentionables... I would've stayed up north. This cold needs to find its way up to Yankee land where it belongs.
This arctic air cuts straight to the marrow. It attacks my joints like sharp, pointy knives. It's miserable. There is no other way to describe it.
I'm not sure which I dislike more... the cold, or this time of year. I don't know why... but each year, for the past... I don't remember how long... this time of year leaves me with a weight in my chest that doesn't leave until the sun brings forth its delightful heat once more. I don't really know how to explain the feeling I receive starting around mid September. I just know that I don't like it.
On to a completely different subject...
I have been doing much thinking... and I have come to a conclusion.
As you know, I have been thinking of pursuing a job with the US Postal Service. It would pay great... and it would provide me with excellent benefits... however, if I were to take a job (no matter what the job was) that paid well and offered good benefits... I would feel completely trapped. Let me explain.
If I had a wife, I would have no problems with taking a job with the USPS. It would still be possible for me to attain a degree, if I so desired... but the process would take years to complete. And... if I were to be tied down, then I wouldn't care about not having a degree.
The problem lies in the fact that I'm not tied down. If I were to get a job that paid really really really well I would have a hard time ever doing anything else. Like I said a moment ago... I'd feel trapped. True... each year I'd gain an additional $50,000 (more or less)... which would be really nice. This would cause me not to consider quitting... since I'd already have the job secured in my grasp.
Now, if I don't get a job with the USPS... and I start going back to school and get my degree in psychology... then get a Masters (and/or PhD) in Criminal Psychology or Abnormal Psychology... then several years down the road I would have a job that I would enjoy much more than driving a mail truck around all day... every day... day after day after day... and... I'd have the potential to make twice what I'd be making at the post office. Plus... Dr. Harbison has a nice ring to it.
So... I have decided to try and get into Texas State in the spring. If, however, I do not get accepted, then I will attempt the job with the post office.
This means that in a few months, I may be moving to (or near) San Marcos. I know that I could live at home and go to school... but the fact is... I'm 25 (soon to be 26). And living at home at the age of 25 after living away from home for the past 7 (almost 8) years is... well... it's weird.
I hope that all made sense. If not... to bad. It made sense in my head.
amen dude. That seems like a very wise choice. Very wise, indeed. I wish there was some way I could give you my unused psychology degree, and you could just get started on your masters!
Dude, quit bitching about this bitchin' weather!
I agree you should go back to school—but why SWTSU (I'll always call it that)? I think you oughtta give A&M another shot. (You can apply to both, and only go to SWTSU if A&M still doesn't accept you.)
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