
Ever since 10th or 11th grade I've had a habit of staying up late. As the years have gone by I've started going to bed later and later. It's not unusual for me to still be awake around 5 in the a.m.
As you can imagine, my sleeping patterns have raised questions in others' minds... and often times people will ask me those questions. "Why do you stay up so late?" "Why don't you go to bed earlier?" And so on.
Well, here's one answer to the question.
Yesterday, I got about maybe 2 hours of sleep. Therefore, I was quite tired last night so I ended up falling asleep somewhere around 11 in the p.m. Five hours later and I'm wide awake. Yeah... I woke up around 3:50 in the a.m. and can't fall back asleep. This always seems to happen when I go to bed when most people go to bed. Even though I was exhausted and didn't get very much sleep the day before I still managed to wake up way too soon.
So... now that I'm up, I think I'm going to continue reading a book and maybe I will be able to fall back asleep.
We'll see.
Sex, sex, and more sex. That is the best way to get rest! HAHAHA
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