The Truth?

Anyways... I turned on the TV the other day whilst I was enjoying my lunch... then I became extremely offended by one of those damn truth commercials. (The one I'm talking about can be viewed here.)
I've been offended by these stupid commercials before... but this one really got to me.
First off... in case ya'll didn't (want to)watch the commercial... it starts off with a cowboy (The Marlboro Man) riding his horse down a New York City street while a bunch of cows meander their way down the street.
The speaker informs us all of the unknown fact that cigarette smoke contains methane gas... as does a cow's ass. The speaker ends the commercial by saying "So maybe the Marlboro man would be more comfortable... riding a cow."
As a smoker... the message I received from this discriminating commercial is that smokers are so stupid for smoking that we may as well suck on cow farts.
There are many reasons I have issues with this commercial.
The biggest issue is that act as if we smokers didn't know that smoking is bad for us. Yes... it's bad for us. We know this. We just don't care. That doesn't necessarily make us stupid. To put it in better words... here's a quote from South Park (episode 713 "Butt Out") "[Speaking about the Surgeon General's warning on cigarette packs] "So now everyone knows the dangers of smoking and some people still choose to do it and we believe that's what being an American is all about."
We are all aware of the dangers of smoking... showing these hate-commercials on tv is not going to make us any more aware of the dangers. We've heard it all before... many times.
Another reason I have a problem with this commercial is that the speaker doesn't mention how much methane cigarette smoke contains. The way the speaker announces it he acts as if cigarette smoke is nothing but methane gas (otherwise he wouldn't say that smokers should suck on cow asses). I don't have the time now to research all this... so I don't know exactly how much methane is in the smoke of one cigarette... but I do know that it's much less than what a cow's ass produces throughout a day.
Maybe if wanted to actually tell the truth... they would tell us how much methane is in a cigarette then tell us how many we'd have to smoke for it to really matter.
Damn... I wish I wasn't so tired... I really want to finish this.
Oh well... I'll stop for now.
All I'm really trying to say is that is near the top of my list of peoples who discriminate smokers through their hate-speach.
I'd like to see what would happen if someone made a commercial that says something like "Fact: Black people like fried chicken, collard greens, malt liquor and watermelons." Then I'd like to see how long it would take for the people in this country to jump all over it.
What a great country... you can legally mutilate your baby but you can't legally smoke inside public buildings.
I recently explored thetruth's website. I saw that commercial, among other things. I was just struck by how retarded some of the stuff was. I have a hard time imagining the people who would produce this crap.
I don't think the point of these activists is to say that smokers are too stupid to know better. I think their real message is to say that tobacco companies are so evil and twisted that they lie and manipulate to sucker smokers into dying for their product. It's really absurd. I mean, any dipshit can read the surgeon general's warning on the box that states in plain English all those "hidden" truths that those activists "uncover" for people. It's just a way for socialists who hate success in the free market to "stick it to the man".
I for one applaud successful corporations for doing so well. I mean after all, they do supply the vast majority of Americans with jobs...but that keeps the unemployment low and makes it harder to slam president Bush - who is, after all, ultimately responsible for the people who die from tobacco related deaths, right? :D
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