
For those of you who have no idea how this game is played, I will give a brief explanation.
The game is played with water guns. Each player will, at all times, have a target (“the person you are after”) and a hunter (“the person after you”). You are informed of the identity of your target, but you will not be informed of the identity of your hunter (although you may figure it out by various means). At any given point in the game, the only two people you can kill are your target and your hunter. You have one week to make a kill. If you do not make a kill within the week then you are disqualified. There are a few times and places in which you cannot shoot anyone... so plan wisely. The game is over when there is only one person living.
I love this game.
I'm not sure how focused I'll be this year... seeing as how I do not live alone. This leaves me a bit vulnerable since it's easy for the other people in the house to forget to lock the door(s) and windows at all time.
I'll be picking up my water "cannon" from my parents' house this weekend. This gun if freaking huge... holds about 2 gallons of water... and can shoot a ton of water extremely far. This will be the gun I'll use when out on a hunt. When I am walking to and from class and various other places I may need to go I will be carrying an old-school Super Soaker. (The ones that if pumped enough can cut flesh... which means it's got some good distance on it as well).
Since I will not be staying at my house throughout this game... I will not have much internet access. I will update ya'll on how the game progresses as often as possible.
The only problem I'm going to have is that I don't know who a lot of the players are... nor do I know where any of them live. This is where I'll need a little help from my friends. I've talked to a few people who aren't going to be playing who will inform me of what certain people look like and where they live.
I haven't yet decided if I'm going to form an alliance with anyone. I may... but I think it would be more bad @$$ to do it without one.
Anyways... I'm super psyched about this. Hopefully I won't get shot early on in the game. That would be highly disappointing.
I will be back in town Monday night.
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