This guy is amazing!
He plays all of the Mario music. Well... I don't know about the N64 game... or any Mario based game after the one for the Super Nintendo... but just watching this guy's hands move is astounding. I wish I could play the piano half as well as this guy.
The video is a bit long... but I definitely recommend watching all of it.
The music (both songs) around the 4 min. mark is the ending of Mario 2... as Mario's asleep and all the bad guys and their names scroll up the screen.
And I'll have to check out that website.
i've got an erection
stop the laughing is making it go down
John Jackson: Having never met you, I can only hope and pray you are, by some cruel joke of fate, even more sarcastic and shameless than Nathan.
Nathan: The "Happy Tree Friends" link—totally unnecessary. Really.
(Just kidding, John. Well, I do hope you're sarcastic.)
Wait... what's wrong with the Happy Tree Friends? I love those guys. :)
That guy's freakin' awesome. It reminded me of my new ringtone which is the theme to the original Mario Bros. :)
None of those are me. I would never talk that way. That was just a heckler.
Don't worry about it John. This guy is just some pathetic, lonely, friendless teen who was molested by his father or his uncle. All he's doing is begging for attention.
Or... it's some pathetic, lonely, friendless adult who was molested by his father or his uncle. All he's doing is begging for attention. (which would make him an even bigger loser)
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