Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive...

Ok... ok...

So it's been a little over 3 months since my last update. Sorry.

There are several reasons for this... reasons I'm not really going to go into much detail on. Suffice it to say that I really just haven't felt like saying anything. I sat down several times over the last 3 months to post something... but once I got about halfway through it I closed my internet(s) browser and never published it.

Anyways... I might try to make a comeback... so long as I find stuff to post about.

Since I'm making a post now, that means that I've actually got something to say.

So here goes...

As many (or most, or even all) of you may know, the Super Bowl was this past Sunday. Any of you who know me know that I abhor all sports. I find sporting events to be the most boring, torturous activity on the planet. Therefore, it should be easily assumed that I did not watch the game.

All of this leads up to the point I'm going to attempt. Seeing as how I didn't watch the game, it logically follows that I didn't see any of the commercials aired during the game. However, I did happen to catch this ad as I was logging into MySpace.

The words in the ad is what I found to be both ironically true and hilarious... and I wonder if Victoria's Secret did this on purpose.

"Let the real games begin. Happy Valentine's Day."

Seeing as how this is a lingerie ad, I'm assuming that the meaning of "real games" is sex.

Maybe it's because I'm a cynic when it comes to romance/love... but this commercial couldn't be any more true for me. I couldn't tell you how many stories I've heard where no matter what the guy does for his girlfriend/wife it's just not good enough and the poor guy gets stuck in the "dog house" because he's just not "sensitive" enough... or he "just doesn't care."

To me, the "real games" are the ridiculous games women play in relationships. A guy can spend a fortune on her, try his best to treat her as she ought to be treated, and she walks all over him for doing so... and then somehow manipulates him into thinking he's some terrible creature that was better off in the underworld and never should have surfaced.

So yes... I laughed at the commercial (despite how gorgeous Adrian Lima is).

Anyways... I don't want this to be an Anit-V-Day post (even though I have always found Valentine's Day to be an absurd "holiday" for as long as I can remember).

Therefore, I'll give a bit of an update as to the things currently in my life.

Here's the classes I'm taking:
Intro to Criminal Justice: I have my first test tomorrow and am hoping I can remember all of the vocabulary... because that seems like what the majority of the test will be over. I hate memorizing stuff.

Forensic Evidence: This class has some interesting material. I have a hard time concentrating in class because the fan is so freaking loud it's extremely difficult to hear what the professor is saying. It's early (early for me anyways) and I'd much rather still be in bed. I'm worried about the tests... there's only 2... the midterm and the final. I'd much rather have more tests since if you bomb one you can still make it up. With only 2 tests, if you bomb one you're screwed.

Social Psychology: Intersting so far. So far it seems to be a bit of a repeat of info covered in previous psych classes I've taken... which is a good thing since I have my first test this afternoon. I stayed up late studying... and by the time I was finished it was late enough that if I were to have gone to sleep I wouldn't have woken up... so... I've pulled another all nighter. Yay! No sleep! (So if this post doesn't make any sense... I blame it on that.)

And lastly

Forensic Psychology: I'm taking this with the best professor I've ever had. I would gladly take every class this man offers simply because I think he's amazing at relaying the information and he presents it in such a way that it's somewhat easy to remember.

And that's that. Nothing really too interesting has happened. I guess that's a good thing. I'd rather life be somewhat bland than have it full of crap going wrong every time I turn around. (Been there, done that, didn't like it.)

If you've made it through this whole post, congrats and thanks. Hopefully I'll have more to add soon.


Blogger Wanda Harbison said...

I thought you already took Social Psych? I thought you had Dr. Mendez?? (the guy that "remembered" you because he actually remembered me, but thought you were me).

And you need a wife like da Panda. No games there. Elli was cool. We only dated for a month, but she was game-free as well. 100% of all the rest, games. Especially Amy and Heather.

06 February, 2008 21:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn it! She has her own account on this bloody machine. What's she signed in on mine for?

06 February, 2008 21:14  
Blogger Nathan said...

No, I met Dr. Mendez at one of the Psych Club meetings. He was talking to one of my friends (who was in his class) and then apologized for not remembering my name. That's when I informed him that no apology was needed since he'd never met me before. That's when he said I looked extremely familiar... and you know the rest from there.

07 February, 2008 00:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah. So I'm assuming then you're taking his Social Psych class? He's a good prof.

07 February, 2008 18:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COme on now Nathaniel, we women aren't all bad. Some of us are nice!!

28 February, 2008 12:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm not branded as someone who plays games! I didn't think I was that type of person, but always good to get confirmation :)

It's unfortunate that the ratio of crazy women to cool women is very one-sided. Maybe there should be a college class to educate the masses. Women: Just because you're PMSing does NOT give you the right to be a heinous bitch at any time you find convenient. Yeah, that would work. Unless the women are PMSing at the time. The instructor should probably wear a cup just in case.

02 March, 2008 07:57  

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