Another Overdue Update

In school related news... this semester has probably been the most stressful one I've had yet. I'm not sure if it's just the classes that are making it stressful, or if it's that I've been out of school for a year (excluding this past summer). Maybe it's a mixture of both.
Tomorrow at noon I can register for my Spring classes. I've narrowed the list down to the following:
* Social Psychology
* Industrial Psychology
* Introduction to Statistics
* Experimental and Research Methods
* Forensic Psychology
* Introduction to Criminal Justice
* Forensic Evidence
* Crime Theory and Victimization
I'm hoping that the Spring semester will be much less stressful. I'm also hoping that I can get at least one class with my favorite professor.
Oh! I almost forgot. I went to see a play (The Metamorphoses) this afternoon for my Mythology class. If you don't know anything about this particular play... the whole thing takes place around a pool. (Click Here for a preview... oh, and this isn't the same production I saw.) So anyways, as you can imagine, where there's a pool, there's usually soaked people. Well... the costumes were all made out of white material. Now... when white material mixes with water... you can imagine what happens. Ok, so there was this one part of the play where one of the actors comes out wearing nothing but a small piece of fabric draped over his shoulder and tied around the inside of one of his thighs. As he walked out I thought... surely... that he wasn't actually naked. However, when he laid down in the pool... exposing his bare ass to the world... I realized that the man was in fact naked. Thankfully there was a shadow blocking his family jewels from my vision. Other than that, the play was actually interesting.
Well, I think I'm going to start getting ready for bed. I actually want to go to bed early tonight... which is odd.
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