Not So Comfortably Numb

Just some thoughts from a guy with an overactive mind...

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Location: Texas, United States

Friday, September 21, 2007


Ok, well, I don't feel like giving an update on my life just yet... therefore, I'm going to be ranting about something I've ranted about in the past.

As I've walked around campus I've noticed something that I really don't like. Now, I'm not one to bash people for what they wear... but I find these to be absolutely hideous:

I mean, it looks like someone attached two semi-transparent dinner plates to some plastic and passed them off as sunglasses. Surely, the person who invented these intended for them to be a humorous gag gift... right? I mean...

Come on! I remember these when I was a little kid... way before Paris and other celebrities decided to wear these atrocities (which somehow made these popular).

Girls all over campus are wearing these. The bigger they are they better they think they look. I just don't get it. I honestly don't see how a female could look in the mirror with these things on and think they look good. I think I remember women my grandma's age wearing giant sunglasses like these back when I was little. And since when has a teen/young woman ever wanted to look like an 80 year old woman?

I don't know... maybe I'm just missing something here.


Blogger Wanda Harbison said...

I could not agree more. I hate those sunglasses.

21 September, 2007 15:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to look like a bug.

21 September, 2007 18:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't get over how ridiculous those dumb bimbos look. Nicole Ricci in particular looks like the hideous mutant offspring of a one night stand gone wrong between a fly and a circus clown.

Oh, and the retards pregnant. Gotta feel sorry for her child.

23 September, 2007 21:05  

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