Another 1st Day of Shool

Today was the first day of my Math class. Finally... after 3 other math classes I'm finally in a math course that will actually count as a college-level class.
So... this professor... yeah... she's about 100 billionty eleventy-seventeen times better than my last professor.
1st, she's funny.
2nd, she actually explains what she's teaching. In a matter of 2 hours she managed to teach me what my last professor failed to do over the course of a week.
3rd, her teaching style is exactly what I prefer.
4th, she's only giving us 2 tests and a final. (so I guess that's really 3 tests)
5th, the homework is optional... and if you do decide to do it... you only have about 20 problems each night... not 1,000,000.
6th, she doesn't dress like a clown.
7th, she doesn't wear a damn flower on her head.
and... the list could go on and on... but seeing as how I should have been in bed about 6 hours ago... I'm going to just stop there.
This afternoon was loads of fun.
I woke up early, then I took Jess, Heather, and their mom lunch. Then Jess and I watched a movie. So yeah... this afternoon was great. :)
Then... unfortunately I had to drive to College Station to go to class... then I had to drive back to Austin so I could leave for Dallas in the morning. Yeah... I could have just gone to Dallas from College Station... but then I would've still had to drive to Austin afterwards so I can see Jess on her 21st birthday. (which is Sunday... so everyone needs to go buy her 21 gifts. I'm cereal. Super cereal.)
And... dat's all I gots fo' now.
Super that Fruit Loops or Cooku Puffs?
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