*is happy*

We are still awaiting your transcripts from Blinn College.
I checked it again about a week ago and I was happy to see a new message:
All information has been received. You application is currently being reviewed.
This was great news.
Now, I was just about to turn off my monitor and go to bed when I saw the paper with the link on it again. For sh!ts and giggles I decided to check it again. I was pleasantly surprised to read the following:
Congratulations! You have been accepted to Texas State University-San Marcos for Summer I 2007.
This is the best news I've heard in a while. I was afraid they were going to reject my application... which would cause me to be out of school yet one more semester.
So I guess this means that I am now a Bobcat.
Cool dude! Remember, it takes exactly 1 hour to get from Mom and Dad's drive way to the seat of your first class. You have to take the Aquarina Springs exit and park in the Stadium lot. Take the bus to campus. If you try to park anywhere else, well you won't, so park at the Stadium and take the bus. :)
Oh, I'm moving to San Marcos just before school starts. I'm going to find me an apartment down there because I don't want to drive an hour every day. ;)
That would be two hours every day.
Congratulations! Now, what's the word on your car?
Thanks. :)
I still have no new news on the car. I talked to the insurance company on Monday, and they told me that they weren't sure if it was going to be able to be repaired. They said that they'll need to remove some things from the front to find out the degree of damage and once they find that out they'll let me know. Hopefully I'll find out soon.
Congratulations my nigga! I mean, my good educated white male...
We need to make plans for some time this late spring/early summer for one last weekend (or week) of camping. Maybe between your Summer I and II?
We can ask your brother, Stephen, and Sam (and anyone else who can make it) and see if they can work something in their schedules too. I want to see you guys before I move to Wisconsin.
Can I come too?
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